Eat Your Way Through This Picky Eater Buffet and We’ll Guess Your Least Favorite Foods

You Hate Olives, Egg Salad and Ranch!

We think you dislike olives, egg salad, and ranch dressing!


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When you go to buffets that are highly priced, your main mission is to eat the food that would make it a worthy expenditure. However, some of us may not have a big enough appetite to accommodate this. Here are some tips for you to get more bang for your buck.

Your first tip is to do some online research on the restaurant you're going to. Find out exactly what kind of dishes the buffet will have by checking the official website, reading blog reviews or searching on Instagram. This way, you can plan out some of the most luxurious items you should head to first. Contrary to what many people do, you actually should not starve yourself before the meal. The size of your stomach would shrink otherwise and you end up eating less!

In this quiz, we will present you with a buffet that is the dream of even the most fussy eaters. Eat your way through it by picking your favorite items, and at the end, we'll guess what your least favorite foods are.

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