🛍 Pretend to Buy Some Stuff and We’ll Guess Your Age and Dream Job
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You got: Early 20s and Actor!

31% of players got this result!

You're in your early 20s, who has always wanted to be an actor in blockbuster films!


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Remember that saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping"? A survey found that more than half of Americans (52%, including 64% of women and 40% of men) admit to engaging in "retail therapy" — the act of shopping and spending to improve one's mood. 62% of shoppers had purchased something to cheer themselves up, and another 28% had purchased as a form of celebration. For most people who aren't celebrities or living like the Kardashians, try following these techniques to save some extra money on your next therapeutic shopping experience.

If you're buying things from a departmental store or a franchise, chances are they have a store brand version of what you are looking for. These items are very similar, with the store brands sold at a fraction of the name brands. When shopping for groceries, doing it when you're hungry or when you've got a lot of free time ends up with you spending a lot more on unnecessary items than if you made the trip with a limited amount of time and on a full stomach.

In this quiz, go on a virtual shopping spree to buy a bunch of random things. You get to enjoy the benefits of retail therapy without having to spend all that money! The items you buy will help us guess your age and your dream job.

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