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๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz?

Meow's it going? See if you can rock this cat lover quiz!

Meow's it going? Now let's talk about cats. Are you a cat lover? Do you truly know everything there is to know about cats?

Have your purrfect little fur ball next to you and you will rock this cat lover quiz!

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๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? Questions

On average, outdoors-only cats live about...

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 01
  • 3 to 5 years

  • 7 to 10 years

  • 12 to 15 years

A cat scratches the furniture to:

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 02
  • shed nail sheaths

  • all of these

  • mark its territory

Why does a cat "knead"?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? Cat kneading
  • A sign of sadness

  • A sign of fear

  • A sign of well-being or contentment

True or false: A cat purrs ONLY when it is happy and relaxed.

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 04
  • True

  • False

Why does a cat scratch the floor around its food and water bowls after eating as if to cover it up?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 05
  • The food does not taste good

  • To hide it

  • It smells bad

On average, how many whiskers does a cat have?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 06
  • 24

  • 12

  • 16

What is a group of cats called?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 07
  • Caggle

  • Clutch

  • Clowder

How much of their waking hours do cats spend grooming themselves?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 08
  • 33%

  • 11%

  • 66%

Cats are carnivores. When selecting food for your cat it is important to make sure the main ingredient is:

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 09
  • carbohydrates

  • protein from plant sources

  • protein from animal sources

What is the most common type of allergy in cats?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 10
  • Food allergy

  • Flea allergy

  • Contact allergy

What does it mean when your cat has an upright tail?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 11
  • Your cat has to use the bathroom.

  • Your cat is pleased to see you and is greeting you.

  • Your cat is trying to hide and avoid being seen.

What does it mean when a cat exposes its tummy to you?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 12
  • It wants a belly rub

  • It doesn't feel like walking

  • It is displaying trust and wants its head rubbed briefly

What is your cat saying when it hisses?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 13
  • I'm lost

  • Back off

  • Look at my teeth

What does it mean when your cat's tail puffs out?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 14
  • It is just stretching

  • It wants a tail rub

  • It is scared/threatened

What does it mean when your cat attacks your feet or tries to play with you at random times?

๐Ÿฑ Can You Pass a True Cat Lover Quiz? 15
  • My cat is bored and wants to play

  • That's just what cats do

  • My cat loves me so much they can never leave me alone

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