Can You Survive a Day as a Barista at Starbucks? ☕️

You'd thrive!

94% of players got this result!

Based on your answers, we think that not only would you survive a day as a Starbucks barista, you'd thrive in the role! Perhaps consider a career change?


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One of the most difficult jobs out there in the world today is that of the coffee barista. In no other coffee shop across the globe are baristas treated worse than at Starbucks. Unfortunately those who take up the role of coffee server at Starbucks are frequently faced with harassment from customers, less than ideal work conditions, and partially liquid garbage that needs to be taken out continually. These are the trials and tribulations of the Starbucks barista.

In this quiz, we will find out whether or not you could survive just one day working at a Starbucks coffee shop. You might be surprised at how many people that would not even make it beyond one day after taking up such a job. Take this quiz to test your ability, knowledge, mental strength and emotional intelligence to make it as a Starbucks server, and see how you would fare. You might be surprised at how difficult it is.

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