Can You Answer These Common Sense Questions That Everyone Should Know?

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It is good to be book smart, but it is also extremely important to have street smarts. There are some things that aren't taught in school which are either innate knowledge or learned from experiences. Certain information we possess may seem obvious to some, but to others, is completely new. Your ability to identify such information is what we refer to as common sense.

Mount Everest is undoubtedly the tallest mountain in the world. However, this only came to light after someone discovered it. It is difficult to know what was the tallest mountain prior to Everest's discovery... or is it? Every American loves Thanksgiving, be it for the family get-together or the food. However, only some know how the rest of the world view the holiday.

In this quiz, we will quiz you on more questions like the ones above. Pass it and you prove that you have as much common sense as the rest of the world!

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