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Only Really, Really Smart People Can Pass This Animal Lovers Crossword Clue Quiz

All those hours spent watching David Attenborough documentaries are about to pay off.

Think you are a true crossword expert? Take this quiz to find out if you're right. We've got a series of quizzes that will test you on your general knowledge, sleuthing skills, and see how smart you are when it comes to riddles and crossword puzzles.

This quiz will test you on not just your knowledge of the animal kingdom, but also your spelling. Let's see how many of these animal-related terms and names you can figure out!

How to play:

  • For this particular quiz, all answers are words related to animals.
  • You will get a clue in each question. Solve the clue and type in your answer.
  • The number of letters in each answer are indicated in brackets.
  • Answers are case-insensitive, cases don't matter.
  • Plurals, tenses and the forms of verbs matter. That means mind your -s's, -es's, -ed's, -ing's, etc.
  • Stuck? Click the "I give up" button to reveal the answer and move on to the next question.

So, think you're smart enough to ace this word quiz? Let's get started.

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Only Really, Smart People Can Pass This Animal Lovers Crossword Clue Quiz Questions

A mammal’s foot (3)
Long-necked animal native to Africa (7)
Reptile with a bony shell (6)
Army insect that can be fire or leaf cutter (3)
Sphynx cats are known for lacking this (4)
Only flying mammals in the world (4)
Australian marsupial that eats eucalyptus leaves (5)
Passenger bird that died out, others hang in parks (6)
Saint ___, brown and white rescue dogs (7)
A female sheep (3)
Raining cats and ___ (4)
A constrictor snake (3)
Branched bone that grows on a deer’s skull (6)
Marine creature with stabbing weapon (9)
Large animal with a trunk (8)
Squid cousin; well-armed sea creature (7)
___ pig, a rodent also known as a cavy (6)
Popular cat breed from Thailand (7)
The velociraptor was a noted type of one (8)
White whale species native to the Arctic Ocean (6)
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