You have a female brain!
You mostly think like a woman! The chemistry in your brain gives you traits such as being passive and making good decisions. You tend to have a better memory than our male counterparts. You are also more skilled in languages and handle stress better. It's not bad having a female brain eh?
It said I have a male brain but I’m a girl
Got: Female brain
You mostly think like a woman! The chemistry in your brain gives you traits such as being passive and making good decisions. You tend to have a better memory than our male counterparts. You are also more skilled in languages and handle stress better. It’s not bad having a female brain eh?
Mhm but the skilled in languages and handling stress better are lies tbh. I struggle with handling stress and I have very bad trouble learning new things lol, It took me 3 years to learn how to multiply anything above 5…I STILL STUGGLE!!
I struggle with stress too! And apparently I have a female brain(Thank gosh).
Said I have a male brain. The first male vs female brain quiz I took said I had no brain and the one before this one said balanced brain. All I know for sure is that I have always been neither traditionally feminine nor traditionally masculine.
Female yes
Why are there dogs and foods?
female im a girl and i agree with you
Male brain Correct.
Answer differently and came out female. It was fun
i dont have a gender I literally did this for funsies
Yea figures. I’m trans. Did you know most trans fellows have a brain that’s opposite of their gender at birth. So quite literally, trans people are stuck in the wrong body