Do You Have a Male or Female Brain?
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You have a female brain!

4% of players got this result!

You mostly think like a woman! The chemistry in your brain gives you traits such as being passive and making good decisions. You tend to have a better memory than our male counterparts. You are also more skilled in languages and handle stress better. It's not bad having a female brain eh?


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    nathinsk8ter 10 months ago

All of us are born either a male or a female due to genetics. But, according to Cambridge University researchers, seventeen percent of men and women have brains that are associated with the opposite gender. That means that even though you were born one gender, it does not necessarily mean that your mind is hardwired to how that particular gender is stereotypically thought to think like.

Take this quiz, and it will help determine if you have the brain of a male or a female!

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