🥃 Get Drunk at This Wedding and We’ll Predict Your Love Life in 5 Years

You got: Married!

79% of players got this result!

We think you'll be married 5 years from now to your significant other, having exchanged vows to stay with each other for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part.


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Whether you love or hate them, it's inevitable that you get invited to weddings every once in a while. Depending on how close you are to the couple and guests, sometimes you get bored, or even overwhelmed, at the party. The only saving grace is the open bar.

Once you've seen your friends say "I do" and share their first kiss, it's time to go grab the free booze! It's all in the name of love, right? However, you still have to watch your liquor intake since it actually is the happiest day of someone's life. Enjoy the finer drinks at the beginning and work your way down as you drink more. Also, remember not to make a toast if you've become belligerent from having a few too many drinks.

It's time to relive the good times of being at an open bar! Let us be the bartender while you get drunk on love. Order fifteen drinks or so from our menu, and we can predict your love life five years down the road!

Note: This quiz is for entertainment purposes only. Please drink responsibly if you're of legal age.

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