Jealousy is an interesting thing. Everyone is capable of getting jealous to some degree. This can mean being jealous of a partner, envious of someone else’s success, or yearning to have the kind of life someone else leads. Not all kinds of jealousy are bad either. It’s not necessarily negative to be jealous of another person's success if it motivates you to accomplish your goals as well.
Feeling jealous of a partner is typically not great, however, and can lead to conflict in a relationship. Being jealous of a friend is also not a very good thing. In general, we should care about the well-being of our friends and wish for good things for them. If their happiness creates negative feelings in us, it’s entirely possible we have the wrong attitude towards our friends.
This quiz will help determine if you are a jealous person based on how you answer the questions. Be as honest as you can, we're not here to judge.
4% jealous
4% jealous but I’m not in a relationship so…….
but I don’t think it counts because I just asking me about having a partner or something…I’m single so…IT DOESNT COUNT
Same I’m not in one to it says I’m not but I can get a little jelly
What type of potato are you, btw?
Hash Brown…..WHYY
Can you tell me what’s the name of this quiz you tried? Sounds good. BTW, I got 33% jealous. What did you get?
What typee of Potato are you LOL
I got potato wedges on that one…lol
4% jealous
Same mary
Slay it today 🤘🤘
Is for horses
How R U ?