If You Want to Know How ❤️ Romantic You Are, Pick Some Unpopular Foods to Find Out

You got: 36% Romantic!

27% of players got this result!

You love being in love, but you also love your alone time! Personally, you find the idea of traditional romance pretty cheesy. Wanna know what true romance is? Spending all day watching Netflix together in your underwear. Hard facts.


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Some foods are ignored or disliked because they have a strong flavor or mushy texture that many people do not like. Other foods are disliked because of personal preferences. Many foods are considered to be healthy, but remain unpopular nonetheless because of their taste or texture. Isn't it interesting that different people have different things to say about the same food? Eating is such a subjective experience, and so every person's opinion about the same food varies.

But here's a question for you to ponder: Is there a correlation between your taste in food and how romantic you are? We'd like to think so, and we've made a quiz to prove it. So in today's fun quiz, you're going to tell us all about your preferences in unpopular foods so we can accurately calculate your romantic percentage.

If you would like to find out what your unpopular food preferences say about you, then go ahead and take this quiz. Fair warning though: we gagged a little while making this quiz. You may feel the same while playing it.

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