Many of us like to reminisce about things we used to do when growing up. These are experiences that belonged to the past and the youngsters of today would never understand. If you are a millennial, here are some things you have probably never seen or used.
Some young people may have had the chance to interact with the small floppy disks. But many youths of today likely would not have come across the 8-inch version which was the first commercially available rendition of the floppy disk. Something else that the older crowd would remember is the everyday usage of answering machines. Before there was voicemail, people used to leave messages on these machines linked to one's landline. Recipients could hear the caller's message as they were saying it or catch up on messages they missed.
In this quiz, tell us which of these nostalgic things you have done. If you've done at least 10 out of the following 15 things, you're probably old (at heart or otherwise).
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Get PremiumSorry, If You Did 10/15 of These Things You're Old Now Quiz Questions
Have you used a public phone to make a call?

Have you taped a TV show?

Have you referred to your address book to find your loved ones' telephone numbers?

Have you used the Yellow Pages to find numbers of shops and services?

Have you sat very close to your TV while playing video games because your controller was attached to the console?

Have you sent a postcard to your friends or family while on vacation?

Have you written letters back and forth to a friend?

Have you ever paged someone and waited for him to call you back?

Have you ever bought an album for just one song?

Have you looked up what's on TV or movie timings on the newspaper?

Have you taken photos on a film camera and developed them at the photo shop?

Have you ever ordered something by calling the number on an infomercial?

Have you bought concert tickets at a physical Ticketmaster outlet?

Have you had to adjust the antennas on your TV?

Have you become a member of a fan club through the mail?

I young!
You got: Youโre Old! im 23
Youโve done so many things and accumulated so many life experiences that youโre definitely considered oldโฆ in a general sense. You can always be young at heart!
I`m old you didn`t need to tell me that I`m 63yo
Old in age thatโs all