Time to work those mental muscles! Mars is also known as what color planet?
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Advertisement Advertisement Which number planet from the sun is Mars?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement What kind of planet is Mars?
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Not quite right. ๐ข
Advertisement Advertisement What causes Mars' reddish appearance?
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I'm afraid that wasn't it. ๐
Advertisement Advertisement Compared to Earth, what is Mars' approximate diameter?
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Doh! ๐คฌ
Advertisement Advertisement What is the approximate orbital period of Mars?
Advertisement Advertisement Boom! Nailed it! ๐
That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement How many moons does Mars have?
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Nope, sorry. ๐ข
Advertisement Advertisement True or false: Mars has polar ice caps.
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement True or false: Mars has seasons, just like Earth.
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I'm afraid that wasn't it. ๐
Advertisement Advertisement What is the average recorded temperature on Mars?
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Advertisement Advertisement What is a Mars-day called?
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Advertisement Advertisement What is the approximate length of a Martian day?
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I'm afraid that wasn't it. ๐
Advertisement Advertisement What are some of the biggest challenges for human survival on Mars?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. ๐
Advertisement Advertisement You're halfway there! Which element is most abundant in the Martian crust?
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Nope, sorry. ๐ข
Advertisement Advertisement The asteroid belt lies between Mars and which other planet in our solar system?
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Advertisement Advertisement What is the distance between Earth and Mars?
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Advertisement Advertisement Mars shares the name as which Roman god?
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Nope, sorry. ๐ข
Advertisement Advertisement What is the largest volcano in the solar system located on Mars?
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I'm afraid that wasn't it. ๐
Advertisement Advertisement What is the primary gas found in the atmosphere of Mars?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Which NASA rover found evidence of past water on Mars?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. ๐
Advertisement Advertisement What is the name of the spacecraft that successfully landed on Mars in February 2021?
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Not quite right. ๐ข
Advertisement Advertisement What is the scientific field dedicated to the study of Mars called?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Mars has a canyon system called Valles Marineris. How long is it compared to Earth's Grand Canyon?
Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement You're nearing the end! In what way is Mars's magnetic field different from Earth's?
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That was incorrect.
Advertisement Advertisement What are some key technological advancements needed before humans can travel to Mars on a long-term basis?
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Advertisement Advertisement Bonus: What is the name of the character from the novel/film 'The Martian' who gets stranded on Mars?
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Uh-oh. That was incorrect. ๐
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