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  • Maebelle

Saved Quizzes

🛍 Pretend to Buy Some Stuff and We’ll Guess Your Age and Dream Job

When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!

Can You Score Big in Our Autumn Jeopardy?

Prove your smarts in Autumn Jeopardy!

Are You Secretly a Marvel Superhero? Take This Quiz to Know for Sure

I mean, you've always secretly known, haven't you?

Which Holiday Treat Are You?

Unleash your festive alter ego.

How Well Do You Know the World War II?

World War II was the most widespread war in history. How much do you know about this global war?

Plan a Music Festival and We’ll Tell You Where You Should Live

Just because you're born somewhere doesn't mean you have to stay there.

Can You Name These Legendary Love Songs?

Can you identify these greatest love songs just from a few lines of lyrics?

Can You Name These 1980s Billboard No. 1 Hits?

Take a journey back to the awesome '80s. Listen and identify the U.S. Billboard number 1 hits of the decade!

Which Three Pixar Characters Are You?

Three for the price of one quiz!

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