With your caring nature and meticulous attention to detail, you are the perfect candidate for a doctor or medical professional! I dont want to be a doctor because everyone in my family works or has worked in the field
You have a poetic soul, finding beauty in the little things and expressing yourself through art and words. Your empathetic nature and creativity make you a true romantic. You have a knack for understanding and connecting with others on a deep level. But don't forget, life's not all sonnets...
Congratulations! You are now the proud parent of Coco. She is a good girl. She's energetic and a lot of fun. She loves playing fetch and going for runs. But she also adores curling up on your lap at the end of a long day. IM SO HAPPY SHE...
Baby Boomer and Libra!Were you born between September 23 and October 21 in the years 1946 to 1964? Wrong im gen z and my bday is september 18 and 2009 kinda close and im a virgo
You got: Orange!Orange suits you! Adventurous, spontaneous, and full of energy, you're the wild spirit painting the town in shades of adventure. Rules are mere suggestions, right? Your spontaneous spirit adds color and excitement to life's routine. Never stop making those impromptu decisions, you're the vibrant free spirit we...
You are straight up dark. You appreciate grunge because they express how you feel all the time. You're super serious and can't stand people who aren't the same way. Cool i guess
With your caring nature and meticulous attention to detail, you are the perfect candidate for a doctor or medical professional! I dont want to be a doctor because everyone in my family works or has worked in the field
i like orange but that is my opinion and it is not common to find someone who likes orange and it makes me happy
You have a poetic soul, finding beauty in the little things and expressing yourself through art and words. Your empathetic nature and creativity make you a true romantic. You have a knack for understanding and connecting with others on a deep level. But don't forget, life's not all sonnets...
Congratulations! You are now the proud parent of Coco. She is a good girl. She's energetic and a lot of fun. She loves playing fetch and going for runs. But she also adores curling up on your lap at the end of a long day. IM SO HAPPY SHE...
We think you're around 51 years old! Flip that around im 15 what 51 year old likes pink that much lol
48 Years Old and 5 Foot 9! Im 15 Ans im 5,4 waahhh
Baby Boomer and Libra!Were you born between September 23 and October 21 in the years 1946 to 1964? Wrong im gen z and my bday is september 18 and 2009 kinda close and im a virgo
You got: Orange!Orange suits you! Adventurous, spontaneous, and full of energy, you're the wild spirit painting the town in shades of adventure. Rules are mere suggestions, right? Your spontaneous spirit adds color and excitement to life's routine. Never stop making those impromptu decisions, you're the vibrant free spirit we...
Registration black forgot to tell you guys
You are straight up dark. You appreciate grunge because they express how you feel all the time. You're super serious and can't stand people who aren't the same way. Cool i guess
It said I will live to 107 crazy right
yeah I got her too Im its kinda not wrong.
It says im 25 no not quite im 14 will be 15 very soon though
13 out of 15 only 2 got me because i got cocky in the end toward myself it is also 7 13 am
I got 17 out of 18 only 2 tripped me up though
100% but i see it and so do my friends they would agree
6/10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!