13/15 Congratulations, you’ve displayed an excellent knowledge of the human body, and proved that you do indeed have “Brains”. These are fairly basic questions, but trust us, not everyone will pass this little anatomical test. Clearly you were paying attention back in school. Either that or you’ve spent a lot...
You got: Dry Wit! You have a sense of humor that some people find amazing and hilarious, but some people find very offensive. You just love making people (and yourself) laugh! this is so true
i dont get stressed often 100% Wow! You THRIVE in high stress situations. In fact, you might require high stress just to keep from getting bored. You work best when the stakes are high!
You crushed it! You did an absolutely amazing job on your first day as a high school teacher! You demonstrated great communication skills, level-headedness, empathy and patience. You have a bright future ahead of you in your teaching career! Congrats!
wow i got 16/25 i must be really addicted!!! everyone else is getting like 2/25 wow
It said may or June but close march
6/10 suprising!!!
I got Your energy hahah only at 1am loll
Same omg lol
13/17 yes first time it is right loll
13/15 Congratulations, you’ve displayed an excellent knowledge of the human body, and proved that you do indeed have “Brains”. These are fairly basic questions, but trust us, not everyone will pass this little anatomical test. Clearly you were paying attention back in school. Either that or you’ve spent a lot...
20/20 pretty easy
You got: Dry Wit! You have a sense of humor that some people find amazing and hilarious, but some people find very offensive. You just love making people (and yourself) laugh! this is so true
i dont get stressed often 100% Wow! You THRIVE in high stress situations. In fact, you might require high stress just to keep from getting bored. You work best when the stakes are high!
A plus i did not think i would be doing as well I thought maybe a B minus
You got: 29 Years Old and Celebrity! yes celebrity and I am 13
Politician With your intelligence and integrity, you are the perfect candidate for a politician!
You crushed it! You did an absolutely amazing job on your first day as a high school teacher! You demonstrated great communication skills, level-headedness, empathy and patience. You have a bright future ahead of you in your teaching career! Congrats!
You did great! Based on your answers, we feel you would make an excellent camp counselor. The kids really love having you around! i love kids
i took another quiz and got red but this time I got yellow
Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces nope I am an Aries
young adult nope teenager