We all have our favorites when it comes to celebrities. Perhaps we may even have fantasized about meeting them every once in a while (okay, all the time). If we can pit some of these good-looking male celebs against one another, who would be your picks?
In this quiz, you get to make some hard choices and pick out your favorite celebrity men! The hotties in this quiz include Hollywood's most attractive stars and some of the most popular male celebrities in the world. Check them out and decide who your favorites are. These guys include hot male actors, musicians, singers, models, athletes, TV hosts, comedians, and anyone else who has captured the hearts and attention of men and women across the globe.
Choose one guy you love from each category. Think hard, choose wisely, for your choices will determine what the name of your next significant other is! Are you ready to find out?
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Get PremiumWe Know Name of Your Next S.O. by Male Celebs You Pick Quiz Questions
Pick a deserving Oscar winner!
Denzel Washington
Christian Bale
Leonardo DiCaprio
I don't like any of them!
Choose someone with the comedy chops!
I don't like any of them!
Andy Samberg
Kevin Hart
Pete Davidson
Which of these gentlemen is your favorite?
Armie Hammer
I don't like any of them!
Benedict Cumberbatch
Tom Hiddleston
Which of these charming singers can you never get enough of?
Zayn Malik
John Mayer
I don't like any of them!
Shawn Mendes
Which Chris is your pick?
Chris Pratt
I don't like any of them!
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Choose the talk show host you'd want to talk to!
Jimmy Fallon
I don't like any of them!
Jimmy Kimmel
Trevor Noah
Which Marvel superstar would you want to see more of?
Sebastian Stan
Robert Downey Jr.
Chadwick Boseman
I don't like any of them!
Pick a DC frontman that you'd want to meet!
Ray Fisher
Jason Momoa
Ezra Miller
I don't like any of them!
Choose the Grammy winner you love the most!
I don't like any of them!
The Weeknd
Kendrick Lamar
John Legend
Make up your mind on your fave muscle man!
Vin Diesel
Joe Manganiello
Dwayne Johnson
I don't like any of them!
Which teen heartthrob-turned-star are you very fond of?
Zac Efron
John Stamos
Mario Lopez
I don't like any of them!
Which athlete wins a medal from you?
Michael Phelps
Tom Brady
David Beckham
I don't like any of them!
Which Emmy winner has got your attention?
Sterling K. Brown
Darren Criss
I don't like any of them!
Rami Malek
Choose one of these silver foxes!
I don't like any of them!
Alec Baldwin
George Clooney
Jeff Goldblum
Finally, choose a multi-faceted talent!
Jared Leto
Justin Timberlake
Hugh Jackman
I don't like any of them!