Some people are peacemakers and others are disruptors. Peacemakers are people who work to bring people together, build bridges, and create harmony among different groups of people. They are often seen as diplomatic, kind, and patient. Disruptors, on the other hand, are people who challenge the status quo and push boundaries. They often take risks, speak up for what they believe in, and challenge the way things are done. There are positive and negative points for each type of person. Disruptors often push back against things they feel are unjust but sometimes too much disruption can lead to the prevention of good things as well. Peacemakers, on the other hand, try and help everyone get along. Sometimes disruptors think peacemakers are too passive, and enable injustices to occur.
It’s taken years of research but we can actually figure out which type of person you are based on how you view the images shown in this quiz. The way you react to the scenarios presented here says a lot about you and your personality. So, go ahead and take this quiz, answer the questions honestly, and we will let you know if you are a peacemaker, a disruptor, or something else entirely.
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Get PremiumYour First Impression of ️ Photos Will Reveal If You Ar… Quiz Questions
What is your first impression of this photo?

"None of those microphones have media logos on them"
"That man has absolutely committed insider trading crimes at least once in his life"
"That man is a liar and needs to be stopped!"
"That friendly gentleman is working to help our community"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"How dare that person be rude to their server!"
"That person should leave a negative Yelp review"
"I hope that gentleman is finally able to get the correct order"
"I feel sorry for the waitress"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"That woman should be more patient"
"That woman probably has a good reason to call someone else a loser"
"Someone glued that poor woman's hand to her forehead"
"That woman is rude!"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"That child is claiming they saw a gremlin trying to destroy the plane" (Twilight Zone reference)
"Crying babies on flights are so annoying!"
"That woman needs to do more to quiet her crying child"
"That poor child, flying can be so difficult for kids"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"Who cares? This movie is terrible anyway"
"That woman should be permanently banned from that movie theater"
"Someone should politely ask her to be quiet"
"That woman talking on her phone in a movie is very inconsiderate"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"I hope this woman is able to have her concerns addressed by a store manager"
"No, you can't see the manager Karen"
"I'm sorry, m'am, but you've had too many glasses of wine to be in public right now"
"That's the woman who called the cops on my lemonade stand!"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"That person has a problem with rage that he should address"
"That person should try and remain calm when driving"
"This person probably encountered a dangerous driver"
"I don't know why he's so angry, his car is parked in his driveway and there are no other cars near him"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"They are probably fighting because of something the man did"
"They are probably fighting because of something the woman on the right did"
"The woman in the middle is sleeping with both of them"
"Why doesn't the woman in the middle just leave?"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"That woman is a cheater!"
"I'm sure that woman has a good reason to cheat"
"That woman should be expelled from class!"
"She is going to get caught cheating, she's not being subtle at all"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"What an adorable picture!"
"What they are doing is animal cruelty, the dog didn't consent to their ears being held up!"
"It's not cool to have your dog pose for pictures"
"Oh, I love that dog so much!"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"That's gross!"
"Seems like a happy guy enjoying his lunch break"
"Why wouldn't he eat the sandwiches one at a time?"
"That man should have a healthier diet"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"Money is the root of all evil"
"That man has crazy eyes. I'm worried about him."
"Those bills look fake to me"
"I also enjoy staring wide-eyed at a pile of cash"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"Bob Ross!"
"They need to paint over that mural"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"We can all benefit from learning martial arts"
"That's violence"
"Those silhouettes need to head home, it's getting late"
"That man on the left is about to get punched in the groin"
What is your first impression of this photo?

"I'll probably still watch Emancipation"
"Some people really hate Chris"
"That's horrible, how could he do that?!?"
"This is my story of about how my life got flipped, turned upside down"
You got: Neither!
You don’t really fit the definition of either a peacemaker or a disruptor. Your reactions to any situation depend on context.
Neither. That’s an option? Okay, I guess.
Disruptor. I’m happy with that.