As summer approaches and the weather gets warmer, you know what that means girls, it's time for a wardrobe change! Don't sweat over it though. If you need a cute and awesome summer closet, the following suggestions may be of use.
Replace thicker clothing items from winter and spring with more breathable items for the hot summer weather. This includes tank tops, shorts, playsuits and summer dresses. Swimsuits are important if you intend to lounge at the poolside or the beach all summer long! There are some essential items you should have with you to cope with the season too. Sunglasses are always useful to have around for both style and function. Make sure you've got sunscreen on and a bottle with you to touch up at all times. Flip flops are necessary too if you want your feet to be cool.
If you're getting excited just by all this talk about summer, then you should be intrigued by this quiz! Pick a perfect summer outfit in this quiz, and we'll reveal the color of your aura!
You got: Yellow!
You are very smart and only make logical decisions. You would be perfect in a scientific or educational career. You have the tendency to be a workaholic, putting your personal relationships behind your work. This is why you love being in your own personal space.
not really
You got: Green!
You are very creative and tend to be a perfectionist in any task you undertake. Your determination is very obvious as you work until you achieve something. You always have a great appearance, and needless to say, so does your home.
Same! Green is my FAVORITE color, and my house is Slytherin! Trust me, all of my friends say I shouldn’t be in Slytherin. They think i’m too nice. What house are you in?
I’m also in Slytherin!
All my friends say there’s no way I’m in Slytherin, but I’m proud of it! And my personalities match, too.
I’m proud of it too! I just wish my friends would stop telling me i’m too nice. They haven’t seen me in action, at home.
Heehee same. I tend to get angry easily and I am really good at punching things!
I just bully my sister. I think I fractured her arm once, by dragging her around.
Oh, that’s sad for her. I always injure my brother, and I pushed him with the smallest amount of force, and he fell over and started crying! I guess I don’t know my own strength, hehe.
This is the answer to your other question, it wouldn’t let me reply to it for some reason. YES! I would love to be friends!!! I was going to ask, but I felt stupid asking.
Yellow, smart, scientific I like it.
i took another quiz and got red but this time I got yellow
You are very enthusiastic and are in search new adventures. This could be about trying new food, visiting a new place, or doing an activity you’ve never done before. Your carefree attitude sometimes lands you in trouble with the practical side of your life.