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✈️ Plan a Vacation and We’ll Tell You What to Watch on Netflix

This quiz will help you make this weekend's most important decision.
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We can actually tell what you should be watching on Netflix based on how you plan a vacation. That might seem odd but the decisions you make while planning a vacation actually reveal a lot about your personality, your likes and dislikes, as well as the types of TV shows and/or movies you might enjoy. Sure, it also says much about what you like to do to relax when on holiday but that might not be as important to you as what you should watch next. Perhaps a true vacation for you is binge-watching shows on Netflix.

Through this quiz, you get to plan your next vacation and also find out the types of fictional characters you likely relate with the most and what types of situations you find entertaining, funny, or dramatic. If you would like to find out what you should be watching on Netflix next, then take this quiz, answer the questions contained within about planning a vacation and we'll give you a show to stream next.

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️ Plan a Vacation to Know What to Watch on Netflix Quiz Questions

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