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Rate These Trendy Foods and We’ll Accurately Guess Your Age

Do you love or hate cloud eggs?

Every year, food trends come and go. Some disappear as quickly as they arrived, while others have stood the test of time. Kale. Sriracha. Cronuts. Rainbow bagels. Cloud eggs. Unicorn Frappuccino. These Instagrammable foods and drinks have flown off shelves and gone viral on social media.

Studies have shown that trying out something new increases the level of dopamine in our brain. Dopamine is responsible for memory, pleasurable reward, attention, and even mood. This is one reason why when a new fad is introduced, many of us can't help but embrace it, photograph it, share it and consume it.

One prominent trend in the past year was multi-colored foods. This year, however, we may get to see a new golden trend. Say goodbye to unicorn drinks and rainbow cream cheese and hello to the inclusion of edible gold leafs, dust, and condiments in popular dishes. Edible flowers may also feature on your dinner plate the next time you go to the restaurant.

What do you think of the different food fads? Your stance on these trendy foods will allow us to guess your exact age!

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