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๐Ÿ• Decide How Much You Like These 20 Foods and We’ll Guess How Old You Are

You know, if this made any sense at all.
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Food is universal. Everyone eats it, and it connects us with people from different countries and cultures. "There is no love sincerer than the love of food," George Bernard Shaw once said. Judging by the number of incredible foods around us, he was definitely right.

But the kinds of food that people enjoy, eat and talk about varies widely, sparking some truly contentious food debates.ย There are many dishes such as pepperoni pizza and fried chicken that everyone likes, and foods that some people can't even fathom having near their plate. It certainly is entertaining to see how differently people can feel about common foods.

What kind of eater are you? Are you a picky eater or are you willing to go for more adventurous dishes? Or maybe you just happen to be a supertaster, in which case we have a test for that too. The way you feel about these 20 everyday food items will reveal how old your taste buds really are.

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Decide How Much You Like 20 Foods & We'll Guess Your Age Quiz Questions

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