If You Paid Attention in School, You Shouldn’t Break a Sweat Passing This Science “True or False” Quiz

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  1. 🏅 Ranked #6yvonnelawrenson is ranked 6th for playing the most quizzes overall in the last 30 days
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Even if you weren’t someone who got excited about science class in school, now—as an adult—it’s hard not to be amazed by science facts. Did you know that if all the DNA in the human body is uncoiled and put together, it would be about twice the diameter of our whole solar system? Here's another random science factoid: about 13 million Earths could fit inside the sun, according to NASA's statistics. This quiz will help you brush up on some fundamental science knowledge that you may have forgotten. Don't worry — no rocket science knowledge is required.

If you pride yourself on being a science know-it-all, this quiz would challenge what you think you know. If you want to learn more about science, this might just be the quiz for you. Well, you're going to need some very broad science knowledge to ace it, that's for sure. If you had paid attention back in school, acing this quiz should be easy.

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