Supermarket shelves are saturated in an absurd number of different snacks. When you take a trip to the grocery store, what snacks do you add to your basket from such a vast, diverse amount of selections time after time? What do your favorite snack foods reveal about you? Does your taste in food lay the path to your likes and dislikes in other areas too, perhaps lend a clue as to the type of animal companions you favor in life? Well, who's to say it doesn't?
Does being a "cat person" or a "dog person" (or neither, or both) reveal your true personality? Studies and researches done say it does. Pick a bunch of chips, candy bars, fast food, pastries, and all other kinds of delicious snacks in this quiz. Based on your choice of treats, we will deduce if you are primarily a cat person or a dog person, and the sort of personality you have.
Just a heads up, this quiz may induce hunger. Enjoy!
You got: Cat Person!
Cats are more your style. You’re self-sufficient, independent, and you certainly do not need the external validation a dog person gets. There’s a natural curiosity in you, and you’re not as easily entertained by dumb things. While you may be more introverted, you also tend to be more sensitive and open-minded to others.
That’s me in a nutshell!
Cat person
Uhh nooo I have 3 dogs and one of them is my bestie you can see her in my profile picture lol
Dog person Correct, I love dogs. I`m an introvert not an extrovert.
Dog person.
Totally wrong. I like dogs but I prefer cats. I am not extroverted, social or accommodating and I certainly don’t need external validation.
Hi! I got cat person, but I am neutral for them. I prefer dogs over cats. Our personalities contrast well, don’t they?
I got cat person but not at all a cat person. No offence cat lovers but in my thoughts and feelings I like dogs more
Yes, they do!
Cat Person
Cats are more your style. You’re self-sufficient, independent, and you certainly do not need the external validation a dog person gets. There’s a natural curiosity in you, and you’re not as easily entertained by dumb things. While you may be more introverted, you also tend to be more sensitive and open-minded to others.
You got: Dog Person! Idk if I like dogs or cats more
I got Cat person i love cats.