Dustin returns home from camp in the first episode of season 3. What type of summer camp did he attend?
Boy scouts camp
Baseball camp
Science camp
Nature camp
What is the name of the newspaper that Jonathan and Nancy work at (before getting fired)?
The Hawkins Gazette
The Indiana Star
The Hawkins Post
The Hawkins Observer
The Upside Down Gazette
The Indiana Pacer
Hawkins, Indiana, is impacted by a new shopping mall opening in town. This has caused several shops to close down due to the competition. What is the name of this mall?
What is the name of the ice cream shop where Steve and Robin work?
Sundae Funday
Two Scoops
Scoops Ahoy
Mind Flayer Desserts
U.S.S. Butterscotch
What is one of the reasons Dustin and Steve are confident that Dustin will fit through the air ducts at Scoops Ahoy?
What is the name of the girl Robin admits to Steve she has a crush on?
Barb Holland
Nancy Wheeler
Tammy Thompson
Maya Hawke
Hopper calls this character by the name Smirnoff but what is the character's actual first name?
What is the first line from the Russian code that Dustin, Robin, and Steve crack?
What state is Dustin's girlfriend Suzie from?
The Upside Down
What soundtrack is the song that Suzie and Dustin like to sing together from?
The Goonies
The Neverending Story
Weird Science
Back to the Future
Phoebe Cates is mentioned multiple times in season 3. Dustin says Suzie looks like her and a cut-out of her appears in the video store at the end of the season. For what 1984 film was Phoebe Cates famous for during that period?
Which character listed below did not die in season 3?
Bruce Lowe
What does Mrs. Driscoli tell Jonathan and Nancy the rats have been eating?
Each other
Which character listed below was NOT a member of "the flayed" (i.e. people under the possession of the Mind Flayer)?
Bruce Lowe
Karen Wheeler
Billy Hargrove
Heather Holloway
Finally, what holiday was season 3 of Stranger Things released on, a day which was also featured on the show itself?