This Turn On/Turn Off Test Will Reveal How Long You’ve Been Single

You got: Recently single!

67% of players got this result!

From your answers we can tell that you have recently just gotten out of a relationship. Now is probably a time to focus on and pamper yourself. Don’t worry too much about the love aspect right now as you seem to be still getting over a break up of some sorts. Loving yourself is most important at this stage.


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        Lexi 7 months ago

Everyone has unique tastes and preferences when it comes to their ideal man and there are definitely many factors to consider. While some people might find certain traits desirable and a definite turn on, others might find the same trait to be a massive turn off. You might have realised this is the case if you have ever discussed with a friend on some of the things you love or hate about a guy.

From hairstyles to facial hair to how they treat a lady, there are many things about a guy that could make us want to learn more about them or to just keep them in the friend zone. Have you ever thought about what you find ideal in a potential partner?

In this quiz we will be giving you a few factors to consider about what you may like or dislike in a guy. Through your answers about what you find to be turn ons and turn offs, we will then be able to guess how long you have been single.

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