TV shows have become an integral part of our daily lives, providing us with a much-needed escape from reality. They come in all types and genres, from comedies to dramas, from documentaries to thrillers, and from reality TV to science fiction. With so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to decide which shows are our favorites. That's why we've created this quiz!
The objective of this quiz is to help you understand more about your personality based on your favorite TV shows. This quiz consists of a series of questions organized in alphabetical order from A to Z. Every question comprises a set of TV shows spanning different genres, with their names starting with the same letter. You can simply choose your favorite show from each set. By the end of the quiz, you'll have a better understanding of the type of TV shows that you enjoy the most, and whether you are a glass half-full or half-empty person. So, are you ready? Let's get started!
Pessimist, I Try Not To Be
Realist. Yep.
But your quiz should have included the shows Early Edition and Sliders.
You got: realist
I got Pessimist but I am a huge optimist!
Pessimist. Yep. Pretty much
Optimist You see the bright side in every situation. While you might come off a bit naive sometimes, you have some positive energy that cannot be beat! So…did we nail it?