Choose Between These 📺 Shows to Watch and We’ll Know If You’re Old or Young
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You got: Young Person!

19% of players got this result!

We're pretty confident you're young! Even if you are older, you still feel as if you're young at heart. You love living life to its fullest and are probably a huge fan of TikTok. You mostly enjoy watching the popular shows that get all the hype on social media.


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  1. 🏅 Ranked #134bewitchingomen is ranked 134th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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    4 months ago

TV choices define certain age groups. Did you grow up watching The Brady Bunch and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, are you too young for I Love Lucy and Andy Griffith, or is Stranger Things and Game of Thrones more your cup of tea? Whether you stan Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul or Star Trek: The Original Series and The Twilight Zone, your taste in television tells us exactly which age group—older, younger, or somewhere in between—you belong in.

It's pretty simple really, all you need to do in this quiz is make a choice between the two TV series you would prefer to watch in each genre, subgenre or category. We will know whether you are an older person or a younger person solely based on the shows you have chosen. Don't believe us? Take this TV show quiz and it will prove you wrong.

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