Can You Get 12/15 on This U.S. States Trivia Quiz?

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  1. VIPGApeachDAWGS has unlocked the Premium experience
    ExpertGApeachDAWGS has played over 100 quizzes
    GApeachDAWGS 8 months ago
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    Ultimate Player 9 months ago

The United States has one of the most interesting geographies in the world, in that it is literally several states all grouped together as one. As a result of this, there are often few similarities between states that are geographically far apart, although they are the same country. This makes having knowledge about all 50 of the U.S. states quite difficult.

If you love geography and trivia, you might do well on this quiz. You will need to have knowledge of state landmarks, capitals, and geographical facts in order to do well here. Do you know which state is home to the Mile High City? Stephen King's novels often take place in which state? Which state almost went to war with Missouri once upon a time? If you already know the answers to these interesting U.S. states trivia, then this quiz will be a piece of cake for you.

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