Most humans are on either team dog or team cat, with some being on both sides. A lot of us take on the role of parents and treat these adorable animals as our own kids. What we don't realize is that they have much more in common with us than we think.
Dogs are social animals because their ancestors lived in packs and they enjoyed spending time with each other. Humans are social creatures who enjoy time together with their loved ones too. Just like us, dogs tend to have personal preferences too. Pups have their favorite food, toys, and even people. Like how we like having choices, cats also seemingly make their own decisions too. They don't particularly welcome change, and need time to get used to it. Humans tend to be creatures of habit as well.
In this quiz, you can find out which dog breed and cat breed you're a combination of. We'll assess your personality through the following animal-related questions and reveal the final combo to you!
I got Siberian husky and British shorthair
That’s sad. I hate to hear that.
I got a chihuahua and a siamese.
You are fiercely loyal to anyone who puts their trust in you, prompting you to be protective of them. At times, you will shy away from people and, at other times, you can be outgoing. This is when you appreciate any sort of attention you get. Your intelligence doesn’t make you arrogant, instead, you show off your fun side too.
You got: Maltese and Persian!
You are an affectionate individual and you are quick to trust others, as you believe in the good of humanity. You love meeting new people and tend to be warm towards them. You are responsive and open to sharing your thoughts. You tend to be lively and enjoy learning new skills. You also don’t rule out making changes in your routine.
I feel this is an accurate quiz. Your description is accurate (for what I know of you) and my description is accurate!
why when pick pictures there was no all of them. i would pic every cat and dog on this list.
also I got:You got: Siberian Husky and British Shorthair!