If You Want to Know What 👑 Royalty You Were in a Past Life, Make Some Life-Changing Decisions to Find Out

You got: Earl or Countess!

42% of players got this result!

Based on your answers, you were either an Earl or a Countess in a previous life. You weren't high up on the royalty hierarchy but you were a pretty important person nonetheless. 


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People who are of a “noble birth” or members of a royal family make decisions differently from normal folk. There’s a chance that you were a member of a royal family in a previous life and this is impacting how you make decisions in your current life. We can actually tell what noble rank you were in a previous life based on the important decisions you make in this quiz.

This quiz will ask you to respond to a series of questions regarding possible life-changing decisions that anyone may have to face at one time or another in their lives. How you respond to these scenarios says a lot about who you might have been in a previous life. Perhaps you were a King or a Queen and have become accustomed to other people doing things for you and being able to bark out orders. Then again, perhaps you were a lowly peasant. We’ll be able to tell based on your answers to these questions.

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