What Coffee Are You?
It's a fact: the world is obsessed with coffee. About 1.4 billion cups of coffee are poured every day worldwide. We appreciate the energy we gain through a cup of tasty goodness. With the wide variety that coffee comes in, there will always be one type that we prefer to the rest and what we choose to drink can say a lot about us.
If you enjoy a macchiato from time to time, you tend to be stylish and flamboyant. Your exuberant nature shines through the minute you enter a room. If you prefer having decaf, you have adopted the motto of "better safe than sorry". If you enjoy a flat white, you love being spontaneous and all things exciting in life.
In this quiz, we will tell you which coffee matches your personality the most accurately. All you have to do is to answer the following coffee and morning-related questions. Try it out for yourself!
Frappuccino I`ve never had one but I do love cappuccinos with chocco topping
Frappuccino. I don’t even drink coffee
You got: Frappuccino!
You’re the adventurous one in your group of friends. You’re always up for doing something spontaneous, even if it means going against a plan that was already made. You have too much energy, so you do whatever it takes to make use of it in a useful way.
You’re the adventurous one in your group of friends. You’re always up for doing something spontaneous, even if it means going against a plan that was already made. You have too much energy, so you do whatever it takes to make use of it in a useful way.