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About This Quiz

There's a high chance that you are a perfect match for one of the most popular celebrities in the world today. This can either be good news or bad news depending on which celebrity it is that you happen to be compatible with. Perhaps their success will help trigger you to similar fame and fortune as well. On the other hand, there’s a chance you are compatible with someone not overly beloved by the public or who recently went through a public scandal.
If you would like to know what celebrity you are most compatible with, we can let you know based on your personal preferences, the traits you desire in a romantic partner and what you want out of a relationship. You will need to answer the questions as honestly as possible in order for us to give you an accurate result. Go ahead and take this quiz and we’ll tell you which celebrity is a perfect match for you.
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I GOT ADAM SANDLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Justin Bieber
The only song I like from him is Love Yourself. I’ve been constantly humming it for the past few weeks
I got Dwayne Johnson
I got Whoopi Goldberg! Far out!
Why do y’all keep sticking me with Justins?!?!
First Timberlake, now Bieber?!
Le sigh.
Le dramatic sigh
Oui!! Le dramatic sigh.😅😂
Could they think of no-one else?
I would have accepted Dwayne Johnson!😅
I got adam sandler brooo i am 1222222 like nooooooo
Justin Bieber Guys
Who else????
You got: Justin Bieber!
Based on your answers, we believe you are most compatible with Justin Bieber. Don’t worry, he’s shaved off that moustache.
Same 🙁
Yes I had the same reaction
For Real! I wouldn’t do it for all the money in the world!
My only reaction when someone says “Justin Bieber”:
and possibly puke
I got Adam Sandler bro
I didn’t see who but I hope it was Biggy Norris <3 (:
Selena Gomez
Same results
Weird is that when I chose older and movie I got a celeb, younger and other stuff again same celeb as before, middlr aged, same celeb as before, age not specified, same celeb as before.
Does this mean only some answers matter and rest you just ask for rhe sake of it? Weird….
ok so i did it again with all the same answer except this time i pickd male and i got Justin Bieber like his songs r ok but i oicked actor and hes knda ugly tbh
ok im a girl but i accidently clicked on the female opion but ngl i still happy with my choice Scarlett Johansson but imma do it again so i can get a dude this time