If you can pass this word quiz it means you have really good English. Having a large vocabulary is incredibly important if you want to be able to express yourself descriptively and accurately. Imagine having too small of a vocabulary to be able to express what you are thinking or feeling. Many people experience that every day.
While some people will belittle others for using big words because they think the person is only doing it to sound smart, those with large vocabularies know that it is important to always be learning new words. Many people stop learning new words when they leave school, foolishly thinking that their education in life is over. Our education is never over and you should never stop learning new things. The more words you know, the better you can express yourself and the less often you find yourself in frustrating miscommunications. So if you think you have a good grasp on the English language and know lots of important words, then you will want to take this quiz and see how well you do.
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What is a "euphemism"?
A mild word in place of a harsh one
A feeling of excitement
Foul or disgusting
A long and deep sleep
How is someone acting when they are being "glib"?
Trying to impress someone
In a goal-oriented manner
What is another way of describing something that is infinitesimal?
Always changing shape
Unable to define
Immeasurably small
Immeasurably large
What does the word "cacophony" mean?
The roof of a very tall building
A harsh mixture of sounds
A large group of people connected by similar interests
Wide open spaces
What is a synonym for the word "ubiquitous"?
What is another way to describe a person who is obsequious?
Many people know Quagmire as a character on Family Guy. It can also mean a swampy area. What else can the word "quagmire" mean?
A period of time where little happens
A person of many romantic interests
A large gathering or event
A complex situation
What type of situation are you in if someone can accurately describe it as "precarious"?
Not secure or uncertain
One dependent only on your actions
What is a mantra?
A recipe that does not involve any animal byproducts
An expensive decoration
A statement or sounds repeated frequently
A large monster that did battle with Godzilla
If someone replies to your comment with a "non sequitur" what did that person do?
Repeated the same thing they had just said
Said something that is not true
Gave a reply with no relevance to what you said
Repeated what you said only in a different way
What is an antonym for "anomaly"?
What is a simile for the word "obfuscate"?
What is something if it is "mellifluous"?
Able to turn into a liquid
Growing in size
Pleasing to the ear
What are you doing if you "elucidate" something?
Sell all of its valuable parts
Make it larger and more appealing
Explain or make something clear
Light it on fire
What does the word "malaise" mean?
Morbid or dealing with death
Complicated and confusing
When you have too much mayonnaise on a sandwich
A feeling of uneasiness