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Can You Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?

Do you have what it takes to survive a zombie outbreak? It's time to find out!

When zombies take over the world, what will happen to you? Will you be one of the lucky few to survive a zombie apocalypse? Or will you join the ranks of the undead? Take this test to find out!

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Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ Questions

How old are you?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ Baby_Mother_Grandmother_and_Great_Grandmother
  • 26 to 33

  • Over 50

  • 13 to 17

  • 18 to 25

  • 41 to 49

  • 34 to 40

What do you do for a living?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ fireman zombie
  • I work in law enforcement, security, or am a firefighter.

  • I work in retail or sales.

  • I work in the healthcare/medical field (non-office based).

  • I'm a skilled worker (mechanic, electrician, plumber, etc).

  • I work in an office (all types).

  • I'm in the military.

How would you rate your physical condition?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ fat vs thin man
  • I could use a little work.

  • I'm not a health nut, but I'm in pretty good shape.

  • Are you kidding? I exercise every day!

  • Ehh... I've kind of let myself go.

How about transportation…you know, getting from one place to another?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ driving away from zombie
  • I can only drive an automatic transmission vehicle.

  • I can walk quite fast

  • I can drive both automatic and manual transmission vehicles.

  • I can ride a bike and any vehicle.

Which is the most vulnerable part of a zombie?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack anatomy
  • Lower limbs. Without their legs, they can't walk.

  • Their eyes! They have the Medusa stare....

  • Their arms. Without their arms, they can't claw.

  • Smack right in the head.

Have you ever used a firearm before?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack weapon
  • Nope, I never touched one of these before.

  • I have shot a real automatic weapon.

  • Only in game arcade centres and computer games.

  • I have used a revolver at a range.

Do you have any vices or addictions? Don't worry...I won't tell anyone if you do!

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ Zombie attack zombies
  • I'm a smoker.

  • Something else not listed here.....ehhhh....

  • I'm a bit of a gambler, you could say.

  • Nope, not really.

How would you describe your knowledge of/level of experience with medicine/healthcare?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack medical
  • Average - I don't work in a healthcare-related field, but I know some basics and have had at least one class on first aid, CPR, etc.

  • Intermediate - I am employed or in training for a healthcare-related job at a paraprofessional level (eg, Paramedic, CNA, Medical Assistant, etc), and have had general medical training and/or training specific to my job, and/or on-the-job experience.

  • Advanced - I am a medical professional or student in a medical profession (eg, MD/Surgeon, RN/LPN/CNP, Pharmacist, etc) and have had extensive training at a college level as well as clinical practice and/or on-the-job experience.

  • Basic - I haven't had any kind of training, but I have learned some things from watching TV, reading, and life experience in general.

Have you had any training in combat and/or self-defense techniques?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack defence
  • Yes, I know Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Jiu-Jitsu or Wing Chun.

  • I practice Taiji.

  • Yes, but just a few moves to fend off weirdos.

  • No,I don't hurt a fly.

Could you climb if you needed to?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack tree
  • Oh yeah, I'm like a spider monkey!

  • Yeah…if you're talking stairs or ladders.

  • I have no fears of heights and I am well balanced.

  • Are you kidding? I'm afraid of heights.

How's your tolerance for blood/gore, violence, and death?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack zombie1
  • I'm fairly desensitized; I've seen a lot in my line of work.

  • I can't stand the sight of blood/gore.

  • I can take it--I watch a lot of scary movies/play a lot of video games.

  • I usually just try not to look.

How good would you say you are in the kitchen?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ Zombie attack
  • Hmm, do ramen noodles and Easy Mac count?

  • I usually let others cook for me, but I'm sure I could get by.

  • Great--I have extensive experience with food preparation in an occupational setting (restaurant, institution, other food service, etc)

  • Great--I spend a lot of time cooking & preparing meals in a home setting for myself and/or family and friends.

  • Very good--I'm pretty confident in the kitchen, and I know how to cook more than a few things.

Which is your favorite movie?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie movie 28 weeks later
  • The Sound Of Music.

  • Zombieland.

  • 28 Days Later.

  • Fast & Furious.

Speaking of hiding... how good are you at that?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie movie world war z
  • I don't know, but if I was really in danger I'm sure I could think of a place to hide.

  • It would be really hard for me to hide.

  • Awesome! People usually just give up when I play hide and seek with them.

  • Average, I suppose.

Now to the action. You turn on the radio and hear reports of rotting corpses that have been reanimated and are eating people in your vicinity. Choose your plan of action.

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack
  • Prepare for the invasion- Gather weapons, supplies, family, friends, organize a party to lookout for incoming hordes, accumulate food and fortify your position.

  • Grab a machine gun - It's time to pump some zombies full of lead.

  • Barricade your home until the outbreak subsides.

  • Do nothing, it's just a ridiculous prank.

What is your primary weapon of choice?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ fighting zombies
  • Long katana sword

  • Automatic rifle with 30 rounds

  • Sledge hammer

  • 6 inch kitchen knife

  • Crow bar

  • Golf club

  • Revolver with 6 rounds

You spot a stray zombie walking towards your hideout. What weapon will you kill the zombie with?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ fighting zombie
  • Gunshot to the head

  • Punch this zombie to the death with your fists

  • Sledge hammer to the chest region

  • Sharp knife to the head

Which vehicle will you choose?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack vehicle
  • Fast sports car- Good for evading hordes of pursuing zombies.

  • Any old banger you can find- There's no time for a fancy car.

  • Truck- Provides space for supplies, weapons and survivors.

  • Offroader- Good for negotiating difficult terrain

You've just obtained a fair amount of supplies from an abandoned store. On the way back to your base, you're stopped by a group of survivors, who demand that you give them everything you're carrying or they'll kill you. What do you do?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ Zombie movie Shaun Of The Dead
  • Yell for help, hoping someone will come to your rescue.

  • Tell them they can have the supplies as long as they leave you alone.

  • Scream that there are zombies right behind them, and then make a run for it while they're distracted.

  • Say that they can have the food, but then whip out your weapon to attack as soon as you set down your bag of supplies. You're not giving up your stuff without a fight!

You're in a basement looking for supplies. Suddenly, a couple of zombies start breaking in the door at the top of the stairs. You quickly scan the room for something to defend yourself with. You see a long metal pipe, some old chairs, an old hunting rifle and box of ammo, and a chainsaw and an old gas can. What do you do?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie movie question4
  • Try to barricade the door with some of the chairs...hopefully it will buy you enough time to find a good hiding place or come up with another plan.

  • Grab the gun and position yourself in the corner furthest from the stairs.

  • Hide near the steps as best you can, planning to wait until they've all come down the steps and then make a run for it.

  • Grab the chainsaw & gas can, fire it up, and get ready to dismember some zombies!

From the vantage point of your hiding spot, you see zombies surrounding an overturned car. You can hear someone screaming in terror from inside the car. There's no one else around, and you count a dozen zombies. What do you do?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie movie The Battery
  • You try to create a distraction to direct the zombies away from the car… hopefully the person will be able to get away on their own.

  • You cover your ears and wait it out. Hopefully it'll be over soon.

  • You use the opportunity to your advantage -- with the zombies distracted, you'll be able to sneak past and get to your destination much easier!

  • You grab whatever weapons you have and do whatever you can to save the person. You can't just sit there and watch them die!

You and your party spot a sign stating that there is a sanctuary providing food and shelter for survivors. What will you do?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack Sanctuary
  • Travel at top speed to the sanctuary to be accepted in.

  • Attack the sanctuary and take it over for your party.

  • Walk away. Avoid the sanctuary.

  • Proceed with caution and check out the sanctuary out from afar.

You arrived at the gates of the sanctuary. The conditions for entry arethat you and your party surrender all your food and arms. What will you do?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack Sanctuary1
  • Sounds reasonable. Give up our arms and food to look forward to some peaceful life at last!

  • Stupid rules. Open fire to fight and take over the sanctuary.

  • You sent a member to bury your heavy arms and some supplies in a nearby forest while surrendering the remainder of what you have left.

  • Crazy rules. Walk away.

A member of your party is injured. You decided to set up a base to rest till he recovers. Where would you set up your base.

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ Zombie movie 'Rec'
  • Your home.

  • A hunting store.

  • Prison.

  • Wal-Mart.

Despite your valiant efforts, your base has been overrun by zombies. You are fighting back but desperately struggling and have already lost most of your team. What do you do?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ overrun by zombies
  • Accept that you're screwed and surrender to the zombies.

  • Escape through the back exit with the remaining survivors and run for the hills.

  • Unpin a fragmentation grenade and charge into the incoming horde of zombies, sacrificing your life to save your friends.

  • Fight to the death- You're not going down without a struggle.

You have successfully reached the hills. What will you do first?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie attack1
  • Hunt for any zombies nearby and kill them off

  • Search for survivors

  • Fortify your base using wood from the trees

  • Search for food

Which animal would you choose as your companion?

Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ Pets

    A late night zombie attack killed your entire party but you managed to escape. Walking alone for days, you finally spot a group of perhaps a dozen survivors from a distance. What do you do?

    Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Quiz 🧟‍♂️ zombie survivors
    • Sneak up and kill them all. After all, they might have some useful supplies!

    • Ignore them and continue alone.

    • Discreetly observe them from a distance before deciding how to proceed.

    • Start running toward them waving your arms and shouting hello.

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