As we age, we experience more things in life, and pick up new skills. But regardless of one's age, there are a bunch of tasks we should know how to do without any help.
A useful skill to learn is how to swim. When in deep waters, this makes the difference between life and death. You may also happen to be the only one around when someone is struggling in the water. Another good skill to have is to be able to correctly cook an egg. Otherwise, you may put yourself at risk of contracting salmonella. If you want to be a good friend and learn to understand people better, you should be able to genuinely listen to someone. This life skill improves relationships and forms a better impression of you in the other person's mind.
In this quiz, tell us how well you can do some basic tasks. Your proficiency in these skills will help us guess how old you actually are!
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Get PremiumCan We Guess Your Age by How Many of Things You Can Do? Quiz Questions
Do you know how to wrap a gift neatly?

Do you know how to drive a car?

Can you look after a plant?

Do you know basic first aid?

Do you know how to cook a meal from scratch?

Can you tell if a fruit or vegetable is ripe?

Do you know how to sew up holes in clothes?

Are you able to use a fire extinguisher?

Do you know how to calculate tips?

Can you change a diaper?

Do you know how to apply for a loan?

Would you be able to set up and use a barbecue grill?

Can you tie a tie?

Do you know how to check in to a flight online?

Can you change a tyre?

Do you know how to operate your washing machine?

Can you read a map?

Do you know how to change a lightbulb?

Do you know how to replace the fuse in a plug?

Do you know how to send letters and packages?

I got: 20 to 29 Years Old!
We think you are between 20 and 29 years old!
I’m actually 11
I got: 20 to 29 Years Old!
We think you are between 20 and 29 years old!
Ummmm no? Not even close!
40 – 49 Wrong again I`m 64
‘We think you are between 20 and 29 years old’.
You need a serious rethink. I’m between 60 and 69 years old!
ummm I got between 30 and 39 years old…..
I’m 13
I got 20-29 years old.
No way! I am 10 years old.
I got middle-aged. Wrong, I’m only a tween!
Nice to see you!
Nice to see you too! Thanks for replying to my comments almost everyday.
Of course. That’s what friends are for!
We think you are between 20 and 29 years old! I am in fact 20 years old
You are most right!