🍫 What’s Your IQ Based on Your Opinions of Chocolate?

You got: 140!

19% of players got this result!

You have an intelligence quotient of about 140! This means you are highly gifted, making you a part of just 0.4% of the population!


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Everyone has their own opinion on the kind of chocolate they like. People have varying preferences of how sweet or bitter they like their chocolate. These preferences also have an effect on their individual personality.

If you're predominantly a fan of milk chocolate, you're typically a friendly and happy person. You can adapt easily to different kinds of situations and you know how to deal with them as they happen. If you prefer dark chocolate, you tend to show a lot of care and concern for the people closest to you. You want to put their happiness before yours whenever possible. You have had a mature perspective on life for a long time, but you still know when to let loose. If you're a huge fan of white chocolate, you dare to be different. You don't let what others think of you stop you from achieving your goals.

In this quiz, we will ask you about everything made from chocolate, like desserts, snacks, drinks, and even savory meals. Tell us what you enjoy and we can tell you what your IQ is!

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