If You’ve Done More Than Half of These Things, You’re Officially an Awkward Person

You got: Not Awkward!

You can breathe a sigh of relief because you've proven that you're definitely not awkward!


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We've all been in uncomfortable situations that we can't get out of. So how do many of us usually react? We start feeling awkward internally or exhibit awkward mannerisms. There are some of us who feel this way almost all the time. How do you know if you're considered awkward?

If you're a socially awkward person, you probably have a wide set of facial expressions that tend to make others uneasy. You find it an acceptable excuse to say you tripped over air. Your most used emoji is the one that's grimacing 😬 - an accurate representation of how you are usually. You have a strong dislike for giving speeches or presentations, and you try your best to get out of these things whenever they come up.

This quiz will officially determine if you're an awkward person or not. All you have to do is specify if you've been in any of the following situations. If you've been in over half of them, you're definitely such a person. Awkward!

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