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If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You’re Wrong

Put your thinking hat on and get ready for this rather tough quiz!

Are you a wiz at general knowledge quizzes? Get ready to challenge yourself in this rather difficult general knowledge quiz!

Do you know which is the most visited art museum in the world? What about the tallest building in the world at the moment? Do you use Sriracha hot sauce to spice up your food, and if you do, do you know which city it is actually named after? Have you ever read the popular children's novel "James and the Giant Peach" and do you know which British author wrote it? If you are able to answer these questions, then this quiz is right up your alley.

Give this general knowledge quiz a go and see how well you can score! Do you think you can pass it? Before you answer, just remember that this is a pretty tough one! So put on your thinking hat and start your daily mind workout here on Quizly!

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If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong Questions

Copenhagen is the capital of which country?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Ireland

  • Norway

  • Denmark

  • Finland

Which is the most common blood type in humans?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong blood donation
  • A+

  • O-

  • O+

  • B+

  • A-

  • AB+

Who was the first woman pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong woman pilot
  • Valentina Tereshkova

  • Amelia Earhart

  • Harriet Quimby

  • Bessie Coleman

Which art museum has the most number of visitors annually?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong art museum
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art

  • The Louvre

  • Museum of Modern Art

  • Musée d'Orsay

In the Disney film "Sleeping Beauty", which prince is Princess Aurora betrothed to?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong sleeping beauty
  • Prince Eric

  • Prince Charming

  • Prince Philip

  • Prince Florian

In what year was the first iPhone released?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong first iPhone
  • 2001

  • 2009

  • 2007

  • 2003

  • 2011

  • 2005

Sriracha hot sauce is named after a city located in which country?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong Sriracha
  • Mexico

  • India

  • Chile

  • Thailand

Which former planet is now known as a dwarf planet?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong solar system
  • Pluto

  • Uranus

  • Mercury

  • Neptune

Which is the only known type of bird that can fly backward?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong Birds1
  • Toucan

  • Sparrow

  • Hummingbird

  • Crane

Which British author wrote the popular children’s novel “James and the Giant Peach”?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong James and the Giant Peach
  • Roald Dahl

  • Enid Blyton

  • Charles Dickens

  • Dr. Seuss

Diamonds are made up almost entirely of what element?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong Diamonds
  • Carbon

  • Iron

  • Nickel

  • Calcium

What is the favorite food of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • Pizza

  • Popcorn

  • Burritos

  • Fried chicken

Which wedding anniversary is traditionally referred to as the golden wedding anniversary?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong wedding
  • 24th

  • 40th

  • 10th

  • 50th

  • 5th

  • 25th

Which is the smallest ocean in the world, by area?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong ocean
  • Atlantic Ocean

  • Pacific Ocean

  • Southern Ocean

  • Arctic Ocean

  • Indian Ocean

Which country is the platypus native to?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong Duck billed Platypus diving (Ornithorhynchus anatinus), Tasmania, Australia. Digital composite
  • Iceland

  • South Africa

  • Australia

  • Brazil

What is the name of the branch of Mathematics dealing with lengths and angles of triangles?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong triangles
  • Algebra

  • Trigonometry

  • Geometry

  • Combinatorics

  • Calculus

  • Topology

In which city is the tallest building in the world as of 2018 located?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong skyscrapers
  • Dubai

  • New York City

  • Seoul

  • Shanghai

Car brand Porsche originated in which country?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong Porsche car
  • United States of America

  • Germany

  • Italy

  • Poland

How many people have walked on the moon?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong person walking on the moon
  • 16

  • 9

  • 2

  • 12

  • 21

  • 5

Which Broadway musical holds the record for most Tony nominations?

If You Think You Can Pass This Tough General Knowledge Quiz, You're Wrong Tony awards
  • Cats

  • West Side Story

  • Hamilton

  • Hairspray

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