Only People Who Are 100% Weird Have Done at Least 8/15 of These Things

Do you reread your texts right after sending them?

All of us have habits that we are embarrassed to talk about. It may be because we think others would see these things we do as abnormal. What we don't realize is that many people may have the same habits; it's just that no one will admit it!

Have you ever ended an argument and hours later spent time thinking of a better comeback? We know we won't be able to use that comeback, yet we can't stop going over it in our heads. When you try to spell Wednesday, do you have to say it out phonetically to get the spelling right? Same with spelling February correctly. Nothing to be ashamed about, they're both difficult words! We all have had a song that we listen to over and over again until we get sick of it, even if we knew that would happen. The song's just so catchy!

In this quiz, tell us if you do some of these weird things! As long as you've done at least eight of them, you're surely 100% weird.

Quiz Playlist

Habits & Routine Quizzes
  1. Are You Lazy? Take This Quiz to Find Out
  2. 😀 Tell Us How Often You Use These Emojis and We’ll Tell You If You’re More Logical or Emotional
  3. If You Have Done 50% Or More of These Things, I Regret to Inform You That You Are Gross 🤮
  4. Only People Who Are 100% Weird Have Done at Least 8/15 of These Things
  5. If You’ve Done More Than Half of These Things, You’re Officially an Awkward Person
  6. If You Do at Least 9/17 of These Things, You’re a Real Lazy Girl
  7. 😴 Can We Guess Your Age Based on Your Sleeping Habits?
  8. This “Yes or No” Quiz Will Officially Determine If You’re a Hipster
  9. Make Some Typical Workday Choices and We’ll Reveal the Vibe You Give Off
  10. We Know If You Are an Introvert or an Extrovert Based on Whether You Cut or Leave These Foods Whole
  11. You’re Either Weird or You’re Not Weird Based on How You Eat Your Food
  12. These Are the 🥑 Healthiest Foods in the Human Diet, According to AI. 🍄 How Many Have You Been Eating?
  13. 📱 We’ll Tell You How Addicted You Are to the Internet Based on How Often You Do These Things
  14. Tell Us Your Daily Routine and We’ll Guess Exactly How Active You Are
  15. How Obsessed With Food Are You?
  16. 🍕 Do You Actually Have Terrible Food Opinions?
  17. Can We Guess Your Age Based on the Life Skills You Have?
  18. 🍿 Can We Guess Your Age Based on Your Netflix Habits?
  19. If You Do at Least 8/15 of These Things, You’re a Low Maintenance Girl
  20. 😴 You’re Either Weird or You’re Not Weird Based on Your Sleeping Habits
  21. If You’ve Done 15/25 of These Things Then You’re an Extremely Nice Person
  22. 🍴 If You Eat 8/25 of These Foods With a Fork, You’re Forking Ridiculous
  23. It’s Easy to Tell If You’re More American, British or Australian Just by Your Eating Habits
  24. Most People Can’t Actually Survive on Minimum Wage — This Test Will Reveal If You Can
  25. 🍅 If You Eat 17/33 of These Foods With Ketchup, Then You’re a Monster
  26. Sorry, You’re Not a Grown-Up If You Don’t Have at Least 12/23 of These Skills
  27. Choose Between This or That to Find Out If You’re a Glass-Half-Full or Glass-Half-Empty Person
  28. We Know How Privileged You Are Based on Your 🍴 Eating Habits
  29. Take This Bad Habits Quiz to Find Out What People Really Like About You
  30. Tell Us Your Daily Routine and We’ll Reveal What % High Maintenance You Are


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Only People Who Are 100% Weird Have Done 8 of Things Quiz Questions