As the bloodiest war in American history, it tore a nation and even families apart. Although it ended more than a century ago, the scars of the Civil War are still with Americans today. Think you know more than the average Billy Yank or Johnny Reb about the blood spilled and the politics behind the war? Find out by taking our Civil War quiz!
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How many states eventually ended up seceding from the Union?

Where were the first shots of the war fired?

Fort Scott
Fort Harrison
Fort Sumter
In what year was the Battle of Antietam fought?

What other battle was going on while the Battle of Gettysburg was being fought in Pennsylvania?

Cedar Creek
What did Lincoln call his "greatest and most enduring contribution to the history of the war"?

the Gettysburg Address
the Emancipation Proclamation
appointing Ulysses S. Grant to commander of Union Forces
Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Civil War?

disagreement over the electoral college process
disagreement over states rights
disagreement over slavery
What brought the Confederate Army troops to Gettysburg, Penn. for the decisive battle?

The roads went through there.
They heard that Union troops were stationed there.
They needed shoes.
What were the names of the two ironclad ships that battled it out during the Civil War at the Battle of Hampton Roads?

Merrimack and Monitor
Merrimack and Minotaur
Minotaur and Maverick
How many days after Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox was Abraham Lincoln shot and killed?

About how many American soldiers lost their lives in the Civil War?

Which of the following is NOT another name for the American Civil War?

War of the People
War of the Rebellion
War Between the States
What was the South's view of slavery during the Civil War?

Slavery was constitutionally protected.
Slavery was necessary to its economy.
Both of these answers
What city was chosen as the confederate capital in 1861?

Chattanooga, Tenn.
Richmond, Va.
Corinth, Miss.
What popular battle was also called the Battle of Manassas?

Battle of Bull Run
Battle of Shiloh
Battle of Gettysburg
How many versions of the Gettysburg address are there?

At least two
Around 10
At least five
Which battle was the bloodiest of the Civil War?

Battle of Chickamauga
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Antietam
Which of the following allowed a male citizen aged 20 to 45 exemption from the draft?

Paying $300
Either of these methods would work
Providing a substitute
What percentage of the Union Army was African-American?

Why are there often two names for the same battle?

Both of these answers are correct.
The media named them differently from the armies.
The Union and the Confederacy named them differently.
Who won the American Civil War?

There was no clear winner
The North
The South
11 out of 20, history is not my thing.
20/20 history guru!!!
10 / 20