Can You Complete These 1980s Song Lyrics?
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Impressive work! You've got some smarts on song lyrics! Chances are, you must be a huge karaoke fan, singing these 1980s hits amazingly! Share this quiz with your friends and see how many song lyrics they know!
Born in 2013 and scored 8/14
As a definite 80s child (graduated high school in 1986) I was bound to score 100% on this quiz!! Though, the only type music I was into back during that particular decade was that of Bon Jovi. I was completely and totally CRAZY about the majority of “Hair Bands” back in that day, having gone to WAY more than my fair share of their concerts. It was a great decade, and my friends and I had SO much fun! Wonderful memories!!! 😜
12/14. Not really surprised as I don’t like 1980s music.