Winning the Iron Throne and reigning over all of Westeros is something only the most cunning, intelligent, and at times ruthless person can accomplish. Perhaps you have just those very qualities and can be the one to reign over the Game of Thrones universe created by George R. R. Martin.
As we venture deeper into season 8 of Game of Thrones, what it takes to rule over Westeros has become more apparent. Now, we are able to determine who from this world could have seized the throne.
The following quiz contains questions and scenarios which will allow us to determine your leadership capabilities and the likelihood you would be able to take the throne. Only those worthy of wearing the crown atop their head, with the wit and cunning to make that happen can pass this quiz. Are you the one? Answer these questions and we will tell you if you have what it takes to win the Iron Throne.
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Which of the following best describes your reasons for wanting to sit on the Iron Throne?

Who should you trust on your ascent to the throne?

Only your closest allies
What is the best way to defeat your enemy?

Dragon Fire
Good sportsmanship
Scenario: A small child has just uncovered a scandalous secret of yours. How do you respond?

Change your name and leave Westeros
Give the child money
Murder the child
Let the child live, deal with scandal
Would you ever back out of an arranged marriage?

Yes, what could go wrong?
Do you consider yourself an animal lover?

What religion from Westeros are you most likely to follow?

The Faith of the Seven
The Many-Faced God
The Drowned Gods
The Old Gods
Scenario: Your enemies implore you in joining them to fight off a common enemy. How do you respond?

Do not join your enemies
Join your enemies and fight the common enemy
Drink a large amount of wine
Say you will but then don't
Is Melisandre someone you should trust?

Yes, she seems trustworthy
Scenario: You have just sold your sister to the Dothraki in exchange for their army. The Dothraki seem uninterested in fighting for you, however. How should you respond?

Insist the Dothraki keep their part of the deal
Just leave it
Is advice from Tyrion Lannister something you should trust?

You are having a big feast and tournament to celebrate your Name Day. What is something you should be sure to do at the event?

Eat cake and drink wine
Upset Olenna Tyrell
Have someone else sample your wine before you drink it
Say something mean to Sansa
You have been abducted by the Faith of the Seven. How do you respond?

Go along with whatever necessary to survive
Fight back and do not sacrifice your pride
Convert to their religion
Insult their tattered rags
A rival house has murdered several of your relatives. How do you respond?

Poison them
Murder them one by one
Forgive and forget
Give away spoilers to Game of Thrones Season 8
In your opinion, what is the most important characteristic for a leader to have?

The throne is mine.