Pizza or pie? Burger or cheesecake? Pasta or chocolate fondant? It's hard to make a pick when you have so many choices. While tucking into a scrumptious dish at dinner, do you find yourself looking forward to dessert? Many of us have a sweet tooth and aren't satisfied after dinner until that sweet quota is filled. Yet there are some of us that love nothing more than to eat our way through a Big Mac and fries and forgo a sugary treat afterwards.
Is there any kind of connection between the foods we prefer and the sort of personality we have? One of our colleagues, for example, is a little salty around the edges. He's a bit of a cynic, but also the kindest person you would meet. He has a permanent can of hot and spicy potato chips on his desk.
I, on the other hand, see the world through rose-tinted glasses. I also happen to live exclusively for sugar. Cake, cookies, chocolate candy. You name it, I eat it.
In this quiz, you get to pick between having a dinner dish or dessert treat. Your preferences between the two will reveal a truth about you!
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Get PremiumPick Dinner or Dessert to Know Something 100% True Abou… Quiz Questions
Which would you rather have: pizza or apple pie?

Apple pie
Would you eat sirloin steak or crème brûlée?

Sirloin steak
Crème brûlée
Would you rather eat spaghetti and meatballs or chocolate tart?

Spaghetti and meatballs
Chocolate tart
Which would you rather have: tuna casserole or macarons?

Tuna casserole
Would you want to have pork chops or brownies?

Pork chops
Would you eat macaroni and cheese or cheesecake?

Macaroni and cheese
Which would you want to eat: shepherd’s pie or scones?

Shepherd’s pie
Would you eat sloppy Joes or crepes?

Sloppy Joes
Would you rather eat miso ramen or matcha ice cream?

Miso ramen
Matcha ice cream
Which would you prefer: meatloaf or pumpkin pie?

Pumpkin pie
Would you have seafood fried rice or peach cobbler?

Seafood fried rice
Peach cobbler
Would you have chicken fajitas or s'mores?

Chicken fajitas
Which would rather eat: oven-baked salmon or vanilla pudding?

Oven-baked salmon
Vanilla pudding
Would you have lasagna or lemon bars?

Lemon bars
Would you have a bowl of chili or cookie dough ice cream?

Cookie dough ice cream
You got: You love others more than you love yourself!
You’re someone who enjoys making people happy, just by saying a couple of nice words. But you’re unable to do it for yourself, because of insecurities or your lack of free time.
You got: You love others more than you love yourself!
You’re someone who enjoys making people happy, just by saying a couple of nice words. But you’re unable to do it for yourself, because of insecurities or your lack of free time.
This is very true of me.
Too true. Not so much insecurities…but, rather self-denial.
I may or may not HATE Tonks for that reason…
I HATE the way that she kept being like,” Lupin I love you marry me!” After Lupin said,”And I have told you before, I am too old for you, too poor, too dangerous.” I also just HATE the vibes she gives off. But she is really lucky that she can change her appearance at will!
I think that it is cut that your roommate likes Mickey! My grandma’s entire house revolves around Disney, mostly Mickey though….
Thank you so much! I know I am very blessed, but I can’t help feeling a little bad that I am different. I don’t mind too much though! Besides if I were like everyone else all I would do is talk and steal other people’s BFFs and I would be very selfish! (Of course, I am talking about the people in my world, not online! Everyone I have met on Quizly has been very kind to me!)
Well…in the case of Tonks and Lupin…it makes sense. He probably felt it was best for him to be alone…for her’s and everyone else’s, safety. In a way, her persistence proved him wrong. She was capable of handling his differences. I mean, Teddy. But, I can definitely understand how that would be annoying.
Oh yes, she’s a huge Mickey Mouse fan. Her favourite Mickey is Steamboat Willie. My favourite Mickey is Sorcerer Mickey, from Fantasia.
I like that you’re different!! Blending in with everyone makes the world bland and boring. Once again, proof you’re not boring.😅😁
About Tonks. Yeah, so… I know if I were Lupin after I told her no, I would be very upset if she was being persistent. And I ESPECIALLY wouldn’t want a kid! I know I would have just given him my curse! It is like a father saying,” Hey, do you want to have a horrible condition ALL of you life? No! Oh, well… It’s too late!” LIKE WHAT! Also (1 more thing) I think Lupin was right to run away! He already did so much damage, so I think Harry should have let him run!
(*I know your notifications will say you have been replied to twice here, so look under this comment to find it* *You know, just in case this have never happened to you before*)
I do get it.
But, sometimes, we push people away thinking it’ll be best for everyone. But that’s not always the case.
I’m speaking from experience. Sometimes, we have to allow others in…even if we think we’re better off alone. Because alone can be more painful, in the long run. And loneliness is a greater killer than smoking and obesity.
Awwwe, your Grandma loves Steamboat Willie? That’s awesome! Is your sister older? How about you? Do you like Mickey?
You know, you just changed my perspective. A little. A few days ago I thought, “I would rather be alone than have friends who are slowly fading away…” Thank you, for giving me a little advice.
Uhh. Okay, my sister is younger and she has a Fantasia Mickey to sleep with at night. (She is 10) I guess I like the new animated version of Mickey. Not a huge fan though. How about you?
Awwe. Glad to help! Finding new and better friends(those who accept you for who you are), will definitely help. I know it can be hard and scary….but, worth it.
I’ve never really been a big Mickey fan. I like the new animations too.😅
And the Tsum tsum Mickeys. But Sorcerer Mickey is at the top. Awe, little sisters are a gift.🥹
Sure, they can be gifts. Mine is, sometimes.
She should have left him alone. (OOOOH. SHE MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL)
Steamboat Is my grandma’s favorite! Fantasia is my sisters favorite!
You got: You’re a natural-born leader.
Everyone knows that to be a great leader, you need to be able to make cutthroat decisions. In that process, you lose relationships with people who can’t differentiate you as a leader from a person. You have the qualities of a leader, just that you’re terrified of losing those relationships.
100% true! So is the, “You yearn for adventure, but your hesitant to take the plunge”!
I’m spontaneous and adventurous…and I’m not afraid to take the plunge. I took my first overseas flight alone.😅
15 hr flight…and 13 hrs back.
Wow! (emoji with its hands on its cheeks) That’s awesome! I’m too boring and scared for that…
You are not boring. Sometimes, adventure can be found close to home. It just take a little curiosity and a willingness to see something different/new.
Well, I certainly don’t like trying new things… How can you tell I’m not boring?(I don’t mean to sound the slightest bit rude!) If I wasn’t boring then maybe my friends and the people around me IRL would listen to me!
Change is scary for a lot of people. My roommate hates change too. But she’s stepped out of her comfort zone a lot, with me as a friend.
And I can tell you’re not boring, because you love Lupin. And NOTHING about Lupin is boring. Not even his choice in love! Tonks is far from boring. Just because the people around you make you feel boring, doesn’t mean you are. You just need someone(or people) who understands you and your anxieties. Lupin’s friends understood his, and made him feel accepted. The right people will do the same with/for you!❤️🩹
Thank you! This made me feel fuzzy inside! I wish I had friends like Lupin’s IRL…
I HATE TONKS SO MUCH!! But thank you! My friends say I’m weird for liking Lupin, but I don’t really care. I know I’m weird. And I’ll accept that! Besides, the people I hang out with are selfish. Just like everyone else in my reality. I think I need better friends….
😅😂Do you hate Tonks because you wish Lupin was with you? My roommate hates Minnie Mouse because she loves Mickey Mouse.😅
The only reason I ask.🤗
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with liking Lupin. Of the Marauders, Sirius and Lupin are my 2 faves. I think you like him, because like you, he’s different from everyone else. Which is not a bad thing. People who are different are the best!
I love others more than your self.
I am in 9th and your 4th! (for commenters)
You love others more than yourself
You love others more than you love yourself!
You got: You’re a natural-born leader……..i dont know?
You got: You yearn for adventure, but you’re hesitant to take the plunge.
You’ve been following a routine for so long in your life that you’re used to it and don’t expect anything new to come in it now. But you’ve reached a breaking point where you want to go out on adventures. With that thought comes your pessimistic side as well, thinking of all the side effects of running off on your own.
Very true lol <3
I relate to this result, but I also relate to the result I got.
You got: You’re a natural-born leader.
Everyone knows that to be a great leader, you need to be able to make cutthroat decisions. In that process, you lose relationships with people who can’t differentiate you as a leader from a person. You have the qualities of a leader, just that you’re terrified of losing those relationships.
I’m surprised how true this is!
You got: People think you’re an extrovert, but you prefer being alone. True! But this quiz also needed the both or neither option too cuz several of them I either wanted both or neither one but had to choose something.
You got: You love others more than yourself! Honestly tho I hate myself a lot, and compliment everyone on everything even if it’s stupid just because I think that person is better than I am. I’m sounding like I’m super depressed for writing this LOL
My self esteem is a ruckus, but I kinda like everyone even my enemy, Oliver Mclaughlin so for once you got something correct, lol
You got: You yearn for adventure, but you’re hesitant to take the plunge. You’ve been following a routine for so long in your life that you’re used to it and don’t expect anything new to come in it now. But you’ve reached a breaking point where you want to go out on adventures. With that thought comes your pessimistic side as well, thinking of all the side effects of running off on your own.
^ Very true