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👕 Dress Your Dream Guy and We’ll Guess Your Age and Height

Let's play dress-up on your dream man!

When a guy who usually dresses poorly suddenly adopts a more stylish dress sense, it is almost always due to the fact that he has gotten into a relationship. When a girlfriend or wife helps pick out outfits for him, she becomes the architect of his transformation from pauper to prince.

Many women intuitively know what looks good on their men and can help select clothes to flatter minute details that the guy wouldn't even have noticed or liked about himself. From casual shirts to crisp button-downs, let's just say ladies have the upper hand in styling their significant others.

It's time to put your fashion sense to the test! We'll show you sets of clothing that are appropriate for different occasions. You get to pick one item from each category that you'd love to see your ideal man wear. If there isn't something you like, just click the "none of these" option and move on. Based on what you pick, we can guess both your age and your height! Don't believe us? Try it out for yourself!

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Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz Questions

What's his style?

Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 1121
  • Rocker

  • Workman

  • He has a different kind of style!

  • Hipster

  • Athletic

  • Preppy

How should he dress for your first date?

Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 319

    Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 716

      Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 1512

        Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 522
        • Boxers

        • He wears something else!

        • Boxer Briefs

        • Commando

        • Tighty Whities

        • Briefs

        Pick his outfit for a casual day out!

        Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 164

          Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 419

            Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 620

              Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 1315

                Your guy is headed for a job interview! How can he look his best?

                Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 916

                  What kind of shoes do you think he'd look good in?

                  Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 1016

                    Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 1416

                      Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 1217

                        What would be his outfit for a hot summer day?

                        Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 219

                          Dress Your Dream Guy & We'll Guess Your Age & Height Quiz 816
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