Host a Celeb Dinner Party and We’ll Guess Your Zodiac Sign

You got: Leo.

27% of players got this result!

You are a Leo, just like celebs Sandra Bullock, Mick Jagger, Jason Momoa, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jennifer Lopez, and Kylie Jenner.


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Like many people, you may have entertained the occasional thought as to who you would invite to your fantasy dinner party. You know the one. If you could invite any famous person in the world to a dinner of, say, a dozen people, who would you include? You don't have to invite relatives or loved ones for once, and these celebs that you put on your guest list will definitely show up.

So now in this quiz, you have the chance to throw the dinner party of your dreams and you get to invite your favorite celebrities. They will come, no matter who they are. Who do you choose to have a seat at your table? What will factor in your choices? What food will you serve to your famous guests? Tell us which stars you would like to have at your ultimate dinner party, and we will guess your star sign.

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