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🍁 What % Canadian Are You?

How Canadian are you, eh?

Canada is a geographically huge country. If you are at one end of the country it is a long flight or several days in the car to get to the other end. Despite the distance between many Canadians, however, there are characteristics and personality quirks that are true to a large percentage of Canadians no matter which part of the gigantic frozen landscape they live on. Whether it is being polite, grabbing a double-double from Tim Hortons, or getting up at 6 a.m. to either go to hockey practice or drive someone to hockey practice, a Canadian has certain personality traits unique to his or her own.

Some people are more stereotypically Canadian than others. If you would like to find out just how Canadian you are, then you will want to take this quiz, answer the questions contained within, and we will let you know what percentage Canadian you are.

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  1. 🏅 Ranked #85RJLupinFan_1 is ranked 85th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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  4. 🏅 Ranked #160Damian is ranked 160th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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    • 🏅 Ranked #85RJLupinFan_1 is ranked 85th for playing the most individual quizzes in the last 30 days
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🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Questions

Which coffee franchise are you most likely to visit?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Woman Drinking Coffee
  • Tim Hortons

  • Starbucks

  • None of these

  • Dunkin Donuts

Which musical act would you most want to see in concert?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Music Party
  • Justin Bieber

  • Avril Lavigne

  • None of these

  • Michael Buble

  • Barenaked Ladies

  • Drake

What would you call this particular type of hat?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Woman Feeling Cold
  • Toque

  • None of these

  • Knitted Cap

  • Beanie

Select your favorite sport from the list below.

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz kids playing sports
  • Basketball

  • Hockey

  • None of these

  • 3-down football

What is your favorite TV show of those listed below?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Dogs Watching Tv
  • Saved by the Bell

  • None of these

  • Degrassi Junior High

  • Kids in the Hall

Have you ever used a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access the internet? If so, for what purpose?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Addicted To Internet Face Out Of Laptop Picture
  • Yes, to gain access to American Netflix

  • Yes, for some other reason

  • Yes, due to general privacy concerns

  • No

How well do you speak French?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Quebec City Hero
  • I don't speak any French

  • Up to Grade 9 or 10

  • I know a few words here and there

  • Fluent

How do you tell which characters in South Park are Canadian?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz South Park Canadians
  • There is no way to tell

  • They wear maple leaves on their shirts

  • Unsure

  • Their head and jaw don't seem to be connected

What is your opinion of American beers?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz beer1
  • They are great!

  • Unsure

  • They aren't as good as Canadian beers

  • They have a low alcohol content

While traveling you see a person with a Canadian flag on their backpack. This means the person is...

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Canadian Tourist
  • It doesn't mean anything to me

  • Either a Canadian or an American pretending to be Canadian

  • A Canadian

  • A person who bought a backpack with a Canadian flag on it

What is your favorite flavor of potato chips?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Potato chips
  • All dressed

  • Sour cream and onion

  • Ketchup

  • None of these

Where is the city of Toronto located?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Toronto, Canada
  • Ontario

  • Vancouver

  • The United States

  • The center of the universe

Do others consider you to be a polite person?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz o TWO TEENS TALKING facebook 1
  • No

  • Sometimes

  • Yes

  • Unsure

What is your reaction when Team Canada wins a gold medal in hockey?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz Usa Canada Women
  • Relax

  • Celebrate!

  • Indifference

  • We win so many gold medals at hockey, should we even celebrate at this point?

What is your reaction when you see the first snowfall of the season?

🍁 What % Canadian Are You? Quiz playing with snow
  • Book a vacation to a sunny place

  • Shovel the driveway

  • Get winter tires put on my car

  • Build a snow person!

  • Cry

  • None of these

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