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What % Evil Are You?

Are you all good or all evil?

Discover Your Inner Morality: Am I Evil Quiz

Are you curious about your ethical compass? Do you wonder whether you're a saint or a sinner? There's a good chance that at least a portion of your personality is totally evil. Don't feel bad about this, it's this way for most people. The truth is there is nobody in the world who is completely free of selfish or self-serving thoughts. It's all a matter of how much that part of your personality dictates your actions.

Perhaps you are a person overrun by negative feelings, malicious thoughts and motivations or perhaps you are someone who is driven more by good. There are numerous different personality types and all of them have varying amounts of wickedness in them.

The "Am I Evil" personality quiz is designed to help you uncover the depths of your moral character in a fun and intriguing way. Delve into the complexities of human morality and self-reflection with this engaging quiz. Dive into the complexities of human morality and see how your choices shape your ethical identity.

This introduction will provide you with a brief overview of what to expect in the "Am I Evil" quiz, the importance of exploring our own morality, and how the quiz works.

Understanding the Am I Evil Quiz

Moral philosophy has been a subject of fascination for centuries. Philosophers, theologians, and thinkers have long pondered the nature of good and evil, and the human propensity to make moral decisions. This quiz is a playful exploration of these deep and age-old questions.

Why Explore Your Morality?

Morality is a fundamental aspect of human existence. It guides our actions, shapes our relationships, and influences our perception of right and wrong. Self-awareness of one's moral inclinations is key to personal growth and ethical decision-making. By taking the "Am I Evil" quiz, you'll gain insights into your moral values and potentially discover areas for self-improvement.

How the Quiz Works

This personality quiz is designed to be entertaining while providing valuable insights into your ethical character. It consists of a series of thought-provoking questions, and for each question, you'll have the opportunity to select an answer that best represents your moral viewpoint. At the end of the quiz, your answers will be analyzed to determine where you fall on the morality spectrum.

Understanding Your Evilness Percentage

The "Am I Evil" quiz is all about understanding your moral character, and it does so by assigning you a percentage score that reflects your alignment with various moral archetypes. This score is a playful way to measure your ethical character on a scale from 1 to 100% evilness.

Here's a breakdown of what each percentage range might indicate:

  • 1-25% Evilness: If you fall within this range, you tend to make overwhelmingly virtuous and morally upright decisions. You're a guardian of ethics, consistently choosing the path of righteousness.
  • 26-50% Evilness: Those in this category show a balanced approach to morality. You navigate the gray areas, sometimes leaning towards the virtuous and at other times towards more unconventional moral choices.
  • 51-75% Evilness: If your score places you here, you're not afraid to challenge conventional moral norms. You may find yourself questioning traditional ideas of right and wrong, often leaning toward moral maverick territory.
  • 76-99% Evilness: Participants with scores in this range are often characterized as seekers of balance, weighing the pros and cons of moral decisions to find a harmonious outcome.
  • 100% Evilness: A perfect score doesn't necessarily mean you're entirely evil; it could indicate that you enjoy pushing the boundaries of moral norms, consistently challenging the status quo.

Remember, these percentages are just a fun way to categorize your moral inclinations. They are not definitive judgments of your character. Enjoy exploring your inner morality through the "Am I Evil" quiz and have some thought-provoking fun!

Why Take the "Am I Evil" Quiz?

Self-Reflection: The quiz provides an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. It can prompt you to think deeply about your own beliefs and values.

Entertainment: Discovering your moral archetype can be a fun and entertaining experience. It's a lighthearted way to explore profound questions.

Conversation Starter: Sharing your results with friends or family can lead to intriguing conversations about morality and ethics.

Insight into Decision-Making: Understanding your moral inclinations can help you make more informed and ethical decisions in your daily life.

How to Play

1. Be honest: To get the most accurate results, answer each question honestly based on your actual beliefs and values.

2. Don't overthink: Go with your gut reactions; there are no right or wrong answers.

3. Enjoy the process: Have fun with the quiz! It's meant to be an engaging experience.

Now that you have a better understanding of what to expect, are you ready to explore your inner morality? Let's dive into the "Am I Evil" quiz and discover where you fall on the moral spectrum.

Through this quiz, we will pass judgment on what proportion of you is evil. It could be a lot or it could be hardly anything but regardless, we'll find out one way or the other. Take this quiz, answer the questions and we'll tell you exactly what percentage of evil you are.

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Am I Evil? Quiz Questions

How would you break up with a romantic partner?

Am I Evil? Quiz Breakup
  • Over a phone call

  • By dating someone else

  • Over a text message

  • By ghosting him or her

  • None of these

  • Face-to-face

Is the accessible bathroom stall for everyone to use or just people with disabilities?

Am I Evil? Quiz Public Bathroom Toilet
  • Just for me

  • Just people with disabilities

  • Everyone

  • It depends

How often do you post positive comments to your friends' photos on social media?

Am I Evil? Quiz social media
  • Sometimes

  • Rarely

  • Never

  • All the time

You are walking in a group on a narrow sidewalk and see another person walking toward your group. How do you handle the situation?

Am I Evil? Quiz Sidewalk
  • Move behind or ahead of my group so the person has space to pass

  • None of these

  • Do not move so the person is forced to walk on the road to avoid us

  • Tell the person they have to cross to the other side of the street

Is it acceptable to text while eating with other people?

Am I Evil? Quiz Q75
  • No

  • Yes

  • It depends on who I am eating with

  • If the other person is in the bathroom

When do other people want to hear about the new diet you are trying?

Am I Evil? Quiz restricting your diet
  • Never

  • When they ask

  • Unsure

  • Whenever I want them to hear about it

How much perfume or fragrance should one wear in public?

Am I Evil? Quiz putting on perfume
  • A moderate amount

  • None

  • As much as one wants!

  • A very small amount

In your opinion, how should one speak on a cellphone while in a crowded space?

Am I Evil? Quiz Phone Call
  • However one wants!

  • Quietly and with respect to those around you

  • One should not speak on a cellphone while in a crowded space

  • In a strange accent to confuse those around you

How would you stress that something is important in an email?

Am I Evil? Quiz Apple Laptop Computer
  • Another way

  • By clicking the important flag

  • By typing the words "This is important"


Have you ever responded to conflict by using the phrase "It's only business"?

Am I Evil? Quiz Argument Quarrel Conflict Fight
  • Yes

  • Yes but I was trolling

  • Maybe

  • No

You enter a doorway and notice another person about 5 steps behind you heading to the door as well. Do you hold the door open for them?

Am I Evil? Quiz person closing door
  • Yes

  • No

  • I'd actually close the door quicker

  • It depends on who the person is

You are seated on a crowded bus when an elderly passenger boards. Do you give the person your seat?

Am I Evil? Quiz Taking A Bus
  • Yes

  • It depends on how badly I want to sit

  • Only if I'm getting off at the next stop

  • No

A rather pushy acquaintance in your life has been sending you repeated text messages. How do you respond?

Am I Evil? Quiz Reading text message
  • Don't respond at all (aka "ghosting")

  • Text back and tell them they have the wrong number

  • Text them to stop texting me

  • None of these

You spot a wallet on the ground that is filled with cash. What do you do?

Am I Evil? Quiz Lost wallet
  • Take the money, leave the wallet

  • Contact the owner

  • Take the cash then contact the owner

  • Leave it

Which of these people would you choose to hang out with?

Am I Evil? Quiz Gathering small talk
  • Darth Vader

  • None of them

  • Thanos

  • Deadpool

  • Joker

  • This friendly-looking woman

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