You got: 71% Nice!
You're very nice to people, as long as they haven't hurt you. You may excuse occasional rudeness, but even you can't be nice to people who are constantly mean to you.
You're very nice to people, as long as they haven't hurt you. You may excuse occasional rudeness, but even you can't be nice to people who are constantly mean to you.
It is very difficult to find genuinely good people in today's society. We have to consider if someone is being nice only to get something in return or if that's just who they are. For truly nice people, there are various struggles when it comes to facing such cynicism.
People who have just met you may not think your niceness is genuine because they are not used to how positive you are. If you're nice to someone, they may assume you're interested in them romantically. Nice people tend to stick through difficult times just so they don't hurt anyone's feelings. They usually find themselves to be the one compromising - they'd do anything so that others are happy at the end of the day, even at the expense of themselves.
In this quiz, you can find out how nice of a person you are! Tell us how often you do the following things and we'll let you know exactly how nice you tend to be.
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I got: 71% Nice!
You’re very nice to people, as long as they haven’t hurt you. You may excuse occasional rudeness, but even you can’t be nice to people who are constantly mean to you.
Im 71 % which I believe is true. Some times …
71% everyone is so nice on here
96% nice
You got: 96% Nice!
You’re as nice as a person can be! You look at the positive side of everyone, even if they haven’t proven to be worth your politeness.
I got exactly the same!!!
Hey! What is your favorite flavor & band/singer & what is your favorite color?
My favorite flavor is vanilla
My favorite color is pink
My favorite singer is Celine Dion.
What about you?
Flavor: Vanilla or Caramel
Color: Green
Band: Linkin Park
Thanks for asking!
Nice! BTW I was probably asleep when you sent this… See you after school!
a ak;he2giude
I love nature as i say be the change you want to be
I got 71%
nice lol
same lmao
96% nice.
It looks like our quiz has been in an especially generous mood! 😅 It’s great to know we have such a nice community! 🌟 Keep being awesome, and thanks for playing!
96% Nice. Seems as if all of us are 96% nice. Unusual number for all to be. ???
sounds true 34% nice. TRUE DAT
I’m funny I know I am XD
XD ofc
UR 96%!!!!!! HAHAHA IM ON 34% LOL
Ironically, I got 67% cynical, on the “what % cynical are you” quiz.
You should try that one too and see what your results are… lol
fr tho LOL
I got 71% wdym
96% nice
96% nice.