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What % Rude Are You?

Are you a rude person? Put your manners to the test.

Everyone has met someone who has behaved very rudely. That person may be having a bad day, has a lot on their mind, or are just innately that rude. Whatever it is, it is important to not react in the same manner. So how do you deal with a rude person?

You shouldn't take it personally. Like we mentioned, there are a lot of reasons behind why a person chooses to act that way. So it's important to not make their issue yours. As the saying goes, "kill 'em with kindness". Treat them the way you'd want to be treated, to show them that there was no need to be rude. If you'd want to explore the reason, you could do that too. Find out why they are that way before you pass judgment or react in a bad way.

It's time to find out if you're actually the person who behaves rudely towards others. Take this quiz and we'll let you know what percent rude you are exactly!

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What % Rude Are You? Quiz Questions

You wake up to a call from a friend you were supposed to meet 10 minutes ago. What do you do?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 1
  • Apologize and ask to reschedule

  • Apologize, explain you overslept, and rush to meet your friend

  • Say you're on the way and get ready as per normal

  • Say you got caught in traffic and rush down to meet your friend

Do you think it's okay to speak with a mouth full of food?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 1235
  • Yes, of course!

  • Never!

  • Yes, only when I need to say something important.

Do you make jokes about others?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 333
  • Never, that's cruel!

  • Yes, why not?

  • Only if I know they don't mind it.

If you see someone running from far away to catch the bus you're in, what do you do?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 432
  • Ask the bus driver to wait

  • Do nothing

  • Distract the driver from seeing the person

  • Persuade the driver to drive off

You want to go get a drink during your break time. Would you ask your colleagues if they'd want a drink too?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 533
  • No!

  • No, I'd ask my colleagues to come along with me.

  • Yes, but only if I'm close to them.

  • Yes!

You're in a library and get a phone call. What do you do?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 633
  • Go out of the library to pick up the call

  • Answer the call and tell the person to call back later

  • Answer the call and have a conversation

  • Cut the call immediately and text them

How often do you check your phone when you're having a meal with someone?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 734
  • Never!

  • Sometimes!

  • Rarely!

  • All the time!

Do you tend to hold the door open for people?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 834
  • Only for people I know, not strangers

  • Depends on whether I'm in a rush

  • Yes!

  • Nope, they can open it themselves!

Someone is blocking your way. What do you do?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 931
  • Push them aside and walk through

  • Walk around them

  • Say "excuse me" and wait for them to give way

  • Say "excuse me" and walk right through

Are you more of a talker or a listener?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz people talking
  • Listener

  • Talker

Would you cut in line?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 1137
  • Only if there's someone I know in line

  • Yes, I hate waiting!

  • Only if I'm in a rush

  • Never!

You are invited to a potluck dinner party. What would you do?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 237
  • Buy some food for the party

  • Bring food just enough for you

  • Bring nothing

  • Cook some food for the party

Your colleague is speaking at a meeting and you have something to add on. What do you do?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 1333
  • Say it immediately

  • Say it and apologize after

  • Wait for your colleague to finish speaking

  • Raise your hand and ask if you can share your opinion

You're at a party and someone spills wine on you. They're apologizing profusely, what do you do?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 200115903 001
  • Curse under your breath but accept the apology

  • Leave the party right away since your night has been ruined

  • Curse and swear openly at the person

  • Clean it up and not make a fuss about it

How do you respond to gossip being spread about you?

What % Rude Are You? Quiz 1525
  • Start an even more malicious rumor about the person

  • Confront the person and make sure they don’t do it again

  • Set the rumor straight

  • Ignore the rumor

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